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Category: Blogging

Hi guys

Hi everybody, I'm just exploring the website functions right now. Idk what much to write. I'm on a trip up north right now, just a family thing 4 the summer. Yay! States! So far I've listened to some music and responded to petty arguments, my only vice :/

The city looks very odd at night. The neon lights feel so unnatural when it feels like the sky should be reserved to the moon and the stars and the muted blue in the late sky. I say the city, but when I say that I mean the urbanish areas with lots of road and different restaurants loosely connected by said road. The walkable parts are actually weirdly pretty I think.

Now we've arrived at one of those restaurants. I like my family enough

Oh, I minimize my browser for a little bit and suddenly its in this html mode or whatever. I'm not good with formatting like that, but I got it switched back. 

So we're at the restaurant, its a cosy little place. Closing soon so we're getting food to go, but in the meantime there's enough moment to look around at the deco. It's got a nice variety of cajun/Greek food, burgers, pizza rolls, different stuff. I got a bowl of the gumbo, which is like a thick seafood soup, with rice at the bottom. Good stuff. The establishment has, idk how to describe it, a grunge vibe? Prob not the word. It serves beers, but it's not an adult-exclusive restaurant, by the kids menu section on the laminated menus they have. There's some metal music in the background, the type with heavy drumming that doesn't grab your attention too much, but makes for a good vibe. There's Polaroids on the cross-beams of a low ceiling. I'm hanging by the register just because I like standing and I like looking around. One of the employees is kinda hot. A bit tall, lanky, middle part dirty blond hair. Seems like a cool guy. There's Mardi Gras beads and masks on a shelf up by the fountain drinks. I'm discovering how hard it is to describe something and to really appreciate it, I mean really be in the moment. I think travel is something hard to appreciate until it's happening, and even then it doesn't really hit until later how nice it is to get out of your usual bedroom haunts. We're heading back to the hotel now, with very promising food. My dad got extra spice, which the cook was excited about.

I really don't wanna lose my little entry, so I keep putting it on my clipboard in case chrome decides to crash or whatevs. Not that anybody will end up reading this, but there's something very pleasing about sending an echo into the void. Back at the hotel. Hotel staying is not the most convenient experience, but it is an interesting change. I know I'm fairly privileged for being able to do something like this. Dad went to get plastic silverware from somewhere since it didnt come with the food. For a drink I have a water bottle with a flip top to swig from. My little brother is idly watching SpongeBob on the TV, some episode about different snails. We also got beignets from the eatery place, these powdered donut-like things. I'm not sure exactly when to end an entry, if I can add on, if i can see who's seen it, if I can change who can see it, whatevs. There's plastic spoons and forks and knives now, and some bowls and cups for things. This must be sounding awfully tedious, I'm sorry, I just tend to add a very many details. I guess I should end and eat now. Toodles ~

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