I can't see you anymore
Frankly I haven't seen you in a long time
The past took you away and the future left me nothing
So I sit hollow, an expanse of waste and what not
And all I can breath in is the fumes
All I can see is a world at loss and a life at ruin
A chance that was squandered and left to disappear
With no one to claim it and reap its rewards
And now the reaper comes to exchange our sorrow for prison
In our bodies we lay dead and decayed with our hearts still beating
Our care thin and our thoughts wispy
All while we lie to ourselves that we matter and that somebody cares
And what of my thoughts?
Am I real or disingenuous?
A pawn in this scheme?
Or maybe I'm lying to myself too.
Perhaps I am truly worth nothing.
So all I can do is breath.
Take a breathe.
a breathe without you is a shallow existence, but alas it is all i muster.
for i am the rot that brought upon a thousand sorrows. and i am the pain the reaper smells.
but i cannot smell anything over the twisted narrow hull of my mind. and the thousands of minds that follow suit.
All I can smell
Is the poisonous air
In this poisonous world.
based off something somebody said to me.
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