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New Phobia unlocked???

Is it normal to have a panic attack whenever near any mascots or furries in the wild. Like if I am at a sports game ( I wouldn't ever be at one but that's besides the point) and the mascot comes up to me and pats me on the back I would burst into tears and curl up into a ball under my seat.

I know of maskalophobia but this is ONLY for people in mascot costumes and not for just generalized disguising of ones identity. If someone wears a mask I am fine but the momment they bring out the full suit I break out into hysterics. 

Is this a normal reaction or do I have so rare phobia?

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I would like to add that this only applies to when I see it in person if it is online or cartoony or whatever I am fine its JUST irl stuff that messes with me

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