Through the Forsaken Chp 1 pt 1


I slowly opened my eyes as the tunes of my music box played somberly, like it’s waiting for more instruments to join its orchestra. I decided to get up and close the box, silencing the melody. Silence is all that I heard. I know I’ve heard of it before, silence. Even the normal ringing in my ears had dissipated during this. It gave me a sense of calm and comfort. I didn’t even realize I had closed my eyes, until the quiet was interrupted by a loud crash downstairs. I knew my parents were very heavy sleepers. Hell, they could sleep through a hurricane and not wake up. So I knew that me going down those steps was up to me. Even now, I question why I fell into my own curiosity. 

I start to head down the stairs thinking about what could’ve made the noise. We didn’t have a pet, my parents never liked animals very much. My father had a slight allergic reaction to the fur from cats, to what he told me. Every chance he got when he saw one, he’d kick at it or throw something at it. I just think he doesn’t like cats in general since I’ve never seen him go into a sneezing fit when being near one. Of course my mother didn’t see a purpose in owning a pet, unless they helped around the house like getting rid of pests. My parents explained that they don’t want the manor dirty with a ‘wet dog’ smell or any smell of an animal inside.

My thoughts were put to an end when my foot reached the ground floor making a slight ‘tap’ noise. I could hear shuffling and rough and deep voices in the kitchen a few meters in front of me. How did they bypass the security systems? What do they want? I asked several times to myself, wanting an answer. I know how strict my mother is when it comes to home security. Mostly when it came to me. She had almost always locked me in my room during both day and night. Although I don’t really have anything to complain about. I have a bathroom, I have many clothes to choose to wear from, and I have food made everyday. Isn’t that what everyone has?  Shouldn’t I be grateful?

When I reached the kitchen I wasn’t expecting to find three people pouring something that smelled of gasoline on the ground of the manor. I couldn’t get a good look at them all besides their eyes glowing in the dark, and a glowing target. Wait,, Their eyes glowed? A glowing target? I don’t think normal people have glowing eyes, let alone any human alive unless they got some weird surgery. As for the glowing target, I can’t really explain that one unless it’s a glow in the dark tattoo.

“Boss, a little someone’s awake~,’ I heard a voice say roughly. I don’t know how to describe it exactly, it sounded hoarse and strained. Almost painful to hear it but calming at the same time.

“I thought you said everyone was asleep, Cross,” a booming deep voice responds as the cyan eye darted across the room staring down the one I assume is the one he named.

“In all due respect sir, before I opened a portal for us to go, I made sure everyone was asleep,” Cross explained with a bit of an attitude. I could feel the tension between the two grow. Before a fight broke out in the kitchen and actually woke up my parents, I said something to ease it.

“He’s right, everyone was asleep when he checked. I only woke up to a music box I normally have sitting out. Then I heard a loud crash, so I came down to investigate it,” the eyes of the three stare at me then two pairs of them turn to the one that spoke first.

“This is why I told you to be careful, idiot,” the deep voice scolded the one with a glowing target in front of him. He looked like he flinched at the words, like he was scared that he might get hit.

“You don’t have to be so rude to him, he seems to only be doing just his job,” I responded out of instinct. I may not know what I was doing at the moment, but I don’t tolerate name calling. After my response, the cyan eye seemed surprised that I said something to him, like I offended him. The one with the glowing target in front of him on the other hand, seemed to ease into being more comfortable with me being down stairs. Even Cross was shocked. 

“Do you know who you are speaking to, little girl?” The deep voice moved closer, the light from his eye seemed to show a little bit around his face. Enough for me to see that he was melting? Why was he melting? Before I started questioning him about his appearance, I snapped back. 

“Why do you feel entitled enough to break into my parents' manor that they work so hard to keep clean and in living condition?” I tilt my head to the side and squint my eyes at him. At this point, he is inches away from me. His growl had a low rumbling vibration. His grin grew at my comment, and he backed away. 

“Do you not fear me?” He asks confused, his voice not so threatening like it was before. 

“There is no reason for me to be afraid, because I know you won’t do anything to harm me,” I explained, realizing why he was really here. It wasn’t just to burn down a simple building. “You came here for something that could benefit you, did you not?” I asked, staring him down. At that, his head tilted up while his eyes squinted. 

“You’re much smarter than you let on..”He paused, ”Aesira,” He finally said. How did he.. I shouldn’t really question how. After all he figured out I caught on to his plan. All I responded with was me squinting at him more. He just continued grinning at me like he won a fair fight. The other two just stood there glancing back and forth between us, looking like they were either having visible and audible hallucinations. Or, that they are dreaming. Cross decides to break the silence. He clears his throat.

“I don’t mean to interrupt whatever kind of moment you two are having, but we don’t have all night to just sit here and stare at each other like we’re pieces of meat,”  I couldn’t tell fully due to the dark but, Cross puts his hand on his hip and leans on one leg pointing to outside and at the clock.

“Mmm?~ You heard him. Come on, let’s hurry this along,” the cyan eye turns around to walk outside, the others following him. Cross, having one glowing red eye and one white, looks at me and motions for me to follow as well. Seeing as I either go without fighting, or I get dragged out by one of the three by force. I think it’d be best if I cooperated with them and went. Following them outside, it’s early enough to see the sunrise. The light finally showed me who I was speaking to. These aren’t just normal intruders, it would explain why their eyes were glowing and why one of them was melting. 

They were monsters, skeletal monsters specifically. They looked like triplets, due to them looking identical to one another, but not entirely. One was covered in a dark goopy substance that never dripped on the ground. He wore a golden crown on his head with a crescent carved into it. Was he a prince of some kind? Maybe a king? I couldn’t really tell. He looked like he was wearing a hoodie and shorts, so he couldn’t have been royalty dressed like that. The one named Cross wore mostly black and white. A charcoal black sleeveless turtleneck with a slash in the middle of it. Along with a fluffy hoodie tied around his waist. The only things out of his color scheme was his right eye, the scar underneath his right eye, and a golden heart locket that hung around his neck. His gaze looked as if he would kill me within seconds of looking at him. Although he didn’t give off the vibe that he would kill anyone, let alone hurt a fly. He looked more sad than anything.

The last skeleton that had not only a target in front of him, but black stained tears running from his ‘eyes’ to the bottom of his chin. He had a wide grin plastered on his face like he was the happiest person alive. But I only guess that it’s his neutral facial expression...

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