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Category: Books and Stories

talking about homestuck characters!

hii, i wanted to make this blog to talk about my favorite or less favorite homestuck characters! i know nobody cares but i'm gonna make this anyway because it's fun, so yeah! also i don't want to make that dumb "sorry for bad english" comment but... english is not my first lenguague so if i make a mistake thats why!

ok i made this big fucking tier list just to organize (?) myself! as you can see i don't care about dancestors lol. i'll talk about beta and alpha kids, trolls, ancestors, cherubs, and the three guys that were in the desert or somewhere lol.

i'll start talking about the beta kids hehe

i really love them!!! i read homestuck just for them because i was not that interested in trolls at first lol. i love really love june and dave specially (i headcanon john as a trans girl so that's why i call her june! it's just a headcanon :p) and i also like jade and rose.

   dave is a really really interesting character. his personality is interesting, we can "see" his insecurities and trauma in his character and i find it really cool. it's sad, but i like it, it's a good character i think! he cares a lot about his best friends and i think that's so cute for him hehe.


   june wooow she's so wife she's my girl. i like pepsicola dave and june are so cute together :D but talking about her, she's a really pretty character, it's cute how she wants to help everybody, even tho she doesn't understand a thing! she worries about her friends she's the best. i loves her relationship with her dad :'(

jade and rose are also cool! when i like a character a lot i have FEELINGS with them lol... they make me want to cry and hug them and everything, but being honest, that didn't happen to me with jade and rose D: they are cool anyway! rose cares a lot about roxy and his friends, and jade made a lot of work to save the fucking world so they're so cool! it's sad that jade and rose didn't interact a lot D:


 she would

as i said before, i didn't care about them at first! but i think karkat is a good character. the way he may look like a strong angry guy but he's "soft" on the inside is soo interesting!

   equius is so funny that's why i like him that's all.

   gamzee is also interesting! if you want to undersand him more you can see that he had a weird kind of religious trauma. he did bad things i know but at least he was a good mom.

   vriska! bitch! i don't like her!

   aradia and sollux are cool i like them hehe...

   aaand nepeta!!! i don't like her!!! i don't find her interesting, funny, or anything! i don't like her character.

   and the other trolls eeerrrmmm i don't really care about them at all.


i don't have much to say. i love dad egbert! he's a really good dad he's so proud of his daugther and he's so cute! rose's mom and jade's dad are weird but i don't really know. bro strider... who doesn't hate him?? lol. i don't even have to say why!

idk how are they called i think it's wanderers but idk you understand anyway!

there's also not much to say! i don't remember their names but the guy in the middle was so cute and the lady was the best she was so strong and kind i love her!


well, calliope is a nice girl and all that, yes i like her, but listen... caiborn... somethimes i think that i like his character! he's the bad guy i know but at the same time he's so dumb and interesting i can't hate someone that gets off to ugly drawing of people holding hands he's awesome.

alpha kids!

idk why are they the last ones here, i just felt like it.

let's talk about DIRK! he's literally me. i think he's one of the most human characters in homestuck. he made mistakes, had problems with his friends and ex boyfriend, did things wrong, and had some problems with his feelings, like everybody! he's a character that i can really empathize with, and i think he would understand me.

   jake! i also love him a lot!!! he's a nice guy he's funny cute and befnfhlwec yes! talking about his relationship with dirk, i liked it. it wasn't the most romantic or good one, but it was the realest! one part gives too much and the other one needs more space, things leads to problems and when you can't with the relationship anymore, you end it. it's real, and i'm glad that they were still friends after that! humans, specially teenagers, make mistakes, and idk i loved when all that was happening :]

   roxy is so interesting too. she's so nice and sweet and i loved how she cared about june!!! it made me so happy!!! her relationship with rose was sooo interesting! how she was so much like her mother, the problems with alcohol she and rose had, aaaah it was a lot i was exploding while reading all that lol.

   i was not that interested in jane at all... i mean, she wasn't a bad character, it just didn't happen! i understand her problems tho :p everyone treated her badly for no reason!

if u read all this, thank u!!! i could talk more abot some characters but idk i'm shy lol. the comic at first looks like some guys playing a weird game, it starts to feel deeper. i loved it :DDD

12 Kudos


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