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Category: Religion and Philosophy

Changes in the Working Class During Imperialism

During the period of imperialism, the working class (as the proletariat) stands in contradiction to the owning class (as the bourgeoisie) to put it into the simplest terms. Things are not often so simple. As any contradiction begins to resolve, the unification of opposites creates a multitude of complexities. Stalin said: "The dialectical method regards as important primarily not that which at the given moment seems to be durable and yet is already beginning to die away, but that which is arising and developing, even though at the given moment it may appear to be not durable, for the dialectical method considers invincible only that which is arising and developing." (JV Stalin — Dialectical and Historical Materialism, 1938)

At this time, we see a new proletariat type emerging from the complexities of imperialism. Those in the imperial core have access—and indeed requirement—to occasionally dabble in capitalism, for-profit venture, stocks, and sometimes property ownership. The game is a rigged one of course. These proletariat cannot assume a bourgeoisie class merely by playing their game with a deck stacked against them. As such, there is no legitimate basis in claiming these proletariat are bourgeoisie or even "petit bourgeoisie". Ultimately, they are forced into the position of dabbling in capitalism precisely because their only ownership is of their own labor power; anything else can be ripped from them in an instant by the bourgeoisie who have real Capital power.

In particular of the USA, bourgeoisie fought to bust all working-class benefits of stability (that unions of the past fought hard under the name of socialism to win); they were replaced with bourgeoisie versions of themselves. Retirement pensions became 401k investment portfolios for the everyman. Affordable healthcare insurance became subsumed by the employer, then got weaker over time, then was supplemented with the HSA (a bourgeoisie tax-dodging tactic given to the masses!), and now the proletariat even find themselves occasionally buying stock on the market. That stock takes the form of physical product, stock market trades, crypto currencies, and others with a list as long as the complexity of capitalism itself. All of this has lead to a more capital-savvy working class. I do not think it is a coincidence that as the working class is allowed (and forced) more directly into capital markets at the fine level—that is, as they become more proficient in capitalism, they also become more aware of "capitalism" proper and its contradiction: socialism.

The unity of opposites of the capital and working class will eventually see each one taking a role of the other. Socialism's goal is the seizure of the State mechanisms that mediate this very class struggle. Upon that seizure, the working class must have the proficiency to both run and change the State and Capital itself. The bourgeoisie will gain the proficiency of the worker and be placed into positions that truly benefit our class and are subservient to society. In this analysis of class contradiction and its unity, a few things I see unfolding in the future are as follows:
  1. The proletariat becoming more proficient in capitalism and statesmanship
  2. The revolutionary seizure of the State by the proletariat
  3. The process of centralization begins with worker and bourgeoisie gaining proficiency in their opposite (the bourgeoisie would never centralize production on their own, workers must understand that system)
  4. The various sub-classes of the "worker" (who sell their labor power) fracture even more than now, with lawyers, teachers, artists, and academics among them powering the post-unification machinery; though each still firmly selling their labor power to each other (their own class and society)
  5. The proletarian-capital proficiency coming into its own and these the new masters of the State to set about accurately running the State and capital system while also dismantling them
  6. The contradiction of both "running" and "changing" capital manifests as an internal motive force of socialism in the imperial core
  7. The bourgeoisie is assigned the role of proficiency in their existing skills of market trading, development, planning, CEO, and so on, but on the leash of the proletariat such that they must themselves assume a new identity as workers with the goal of self-obsolescence
  8. The invincible global spread of socialism in every gap imperialism leaves behind as it dies
There will be internal contradictions of class during each of these phases. There will be those who do not see a reason to continue running the capital system while dismantling that system. They will ignore how much capitalism's processes have ingrained themselves at the root of our society. There will be others who see no reason to allow the bastard bourgeoisie to run the old positions that led us into this wage slavery to start. However, capitalism is like a very addictive drug to a nation. It must be weened off carefully as not to sacrifice the overall health of that nation. Under the careful eye of a proficient party, it would be as a medical physician monitoring the health of their patient.

A moral reaction that screams to go "cold turkey" only causes more harm and does not fit with any known economic transitional period in history. We must have lawyers to understand proletarian law. We must have statesmen to organize proletarian society. We must have police to account the proletarian law. We must have company executives to direct proletarian means of production. In each of these is a resemblance of the old capitalist system in its form but a new proletarian system in its content. In each of these, the principle must rest upon the proletariat and therefore the State controlled by their class and the Communist Party. It is now clear that we cannot jump from here to the higher stage of communism. Instead, we must work hard; become proficient in statehood; become proficient in Capital; become proficient in international relations; revolution; centralize; handle all internal contradictions carefully; and produce a world beyond scarcity.

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