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Category: Fashion, Style, Shopping

Scene Makeup How to: Jet black eyeliner dreams

Today I’ll be telling everyone (in text) how to do the perfect scene makeup. This is obviously gender neutral as anyone can wear this no matter your gender (or lack of)!

Skincare is essential to a great makeup look so let’s go over it. 
First, you want to clean you skin. Any cleanser is good as long as there’s no harmful ingredients (such as alcohol, any citrus fruit etc.) These can irritate your skin and cause your skin to age quicker (personally it’s something I care about but not everyone does.) 
After cleaning your skin you want to tone it. A toner can simply be cucumber water if that’s all you can get to. (Anything I’m putting down can have inexpensive alternatives.) 
Third step is to moisturize!!! I cannot stress this enough. Makeup will take the moisture out of your skin so this is very important. Apply a dime size amount to both your face and neck. 
After all of this we can actually now get to makeup! Yay ^-^
First step of makeup is primer. Primer helps the makeup stay and helps prevent things such as creasing. Apply a small amount to your face and neck. 
Second step is foundation. Find your perfect shade by testing some on your neck and seeing if it matches. If so then continue to dot it on your face and neck using the applicator it came with or any makeup tool for foundation (ex a beauty blender.) (They also sell powder foundation and you can use that instead if you prefer.) 
It’s also important to note that different foundations have different levels of coverage ranging from light, medium and full. My personal fav is full but it may not be for you! 
After applying the foundation, grab some concealer to dot under your eyes. This helps to hide any dark circles and to brighten up your face. (I recommend buying your concealer a shade lighter then your foundation.)
Now move quick and grab some setting powder. It doesn’t matter what type of powder you use as long as it suits your shade of skin. Powder your face and neck until you cannot feel the wetness from the foundation. (Skip this step if you used foundation powder.) 
After you have your base it’s time to edit the rest of your face! (Sorry I had to)
Depending on your skin shade, grab a brown (light, medium or dark) powder and a contour brush. Find the underneath part of your cheekbones and start from the edge for your face until you get an inch or so away from your lips. Blend this in to create the perfect contour! 
Next step is blush which is completely optional (sometimes I don’t feel like wearing blush) but blush is a great way to create a great scene look! You can use any shade you like. (As long as it isn’t too dark or light for you.) 
Grab the blush and a blush brush and apply the blush right above your contour. Add a little at a time so you don’t add too much at once. 
The next step is one we’ve all been waiting for. The eye makeup cx
Grab any black eyeshadow, gel liquid and pencil eyeliner, black mascara and a few eyeshadow brushes. 
Prime your eyes using a makeup primer. After that you use your gel eyeliner and create a oval like shape on your eyelid. Make this shape to fit your eyelid the best you can. Fill it in after outlining it and grab the eyeshadow. Spray the eyeshadow brush with water (once) so it lessens the chance of fallout. Knock the brush on something to get rid of excess eyeshadow  (excess creates fallout)  Apply the black eyeshadow all over where you placed your eyeliner. This helps to set the gel eyeliner so it stays perfectly all day. Then grab a blending brush and take a very small amount of black eyeshadow and blend out your edges. Without blending the look will look very rough. Blending is mandatory! 
After the blending, line your eyes with liquid liner. It can be a small or big line, doesn’t matter. 
Use pencil eyeliner to line your waterline/lash line. This makes the look more sultry. You can use as much eyeliner as you like but make sure to set with black eyeshadow. 
Apply a black mascara and you’re done! You can also add false eyelashes but it’s not essential. (Don’t forget the eyelash glue if you do though.) 
Now it’s time for eyebrows. Personally I have mine shaved off and I draw them on with liquid eyeliner. If you don’t do that just use an eyebrow pencil that matches your eyebrow color. Fill it in whichever way your eyebrows are bc everyone’s eyebrows are different. Just go light in case you make any mistakes. 
Now usually scene makeup doesn’t include any lip products but you can use lipgloss or pink/red lipstick. Red lipstick is very Melissa Marie <3 Definitely have some chapstick handy regardless! 
The look is all done! Grab setting spray (you can also use hairspray, it’s a Drag Queen trick) and close your eyes as you spray your face. Setting spray is a must, without setting spray your makeup won’t last as nearly as long.  
I hope this is a good guide to any aspiring scene queens/kings/royalty. 
Being scene is all about confidence, remember that! 
Cx <333 stay hot luvs 
Xoxo Nikki Narcissist 

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Thank you so much for this!

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