Reoccurring nightmare(s)

S9 this is like my first post h3re but I don't think it would hav3 ev3r b33n abt this th0, s0 I h4ve this dr3am of me running 4nd running th3n f4lling off a building hitting the $id3walk over and over, then it's just a bl4ck static room but 3ach time I fall $omething new g3ts added like ropes then st3pl4dders then ppl, but at the very 3nd when I'm waking up there's a spot light on one person as my mind st4rts to pan in on then like a camera type situation that's wh3n I w4ke up.

I also h4ve nightmares of my new school getting shot at because I have trama with $chool $hootings. I'm not one doing it but its m3 b3ing put into the $ituation over and over ag4in like an endless cycle. 

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