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Category: Blogging

end of an era

i think i kissed my boyfriend at school for the last time, in uniform at least. 

i turned in my final assessed project, btec art and design, it had been haunting me for a good few months. im having my checkout sheet signed by all the teachers so that the school is sure i haven't stolen anything (i have, an entire mannequin.) my last class is tomorrow. it's only one block so i can probably leave early with enough time to turn in all my supplies. i wonder if they'll charge me for the calculator charger i lost a year and a half ago. a new mall opened next to the school the new student council is campaigning so that next year's grade 12s could eat there at lunch, i wonder if the school will allow it considering how money hungry it is. i haven't even gone to the mall yet. next year they say some of the final exams will be open book, next year they're putting on the addams family musical. next year everyone will move a grade up and push me out of this nest, i hope i can fly.

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philism's profile picture

my last day of school was not much out of the ordinary, i ended the post above in a fit of giggles with friends i'll probably last see at graduation. i'm really happy we had that moment!

i managed to finish binding and gift my book of poems to my english teacher. i remember first meeting him and having an intense crush on him while simultaneously seeing him as a psudeo-father. i think that says a lot about my issues than him as a person other than the fact that he is very nice and deeply impacted me.

thank goodness for the somewhat anonymity the internet provides 🧍🏻‍♂️ uhhhhhh yeah.

anyways he seemed to really like it and im glad.

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yeah no im over that crush that was an odd point in my transition from a terrible mental space to a rlly accommodating environment. i still see him as a father figure but uh well that can't be helped.

aha ahaha ahahhaa

cross my heart im sane enough

by philism; ; Report