Jody Marie β™‘'s profile picture

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Category: Web, HTML, Tech

How To Add Pictures To Your SpaceHey Profile πŸ’œ

How To Add Pictures To Your SpaceHey Profile:

If you already have the pictures you are wanting to upload saved to your profile, go to Step 1. Otherwise, if you are wanting to add pictures from the internet to your profile, you must first save those pictures. For example, you would go to Google, search what picture you are wanting to upload, click on the picture so you can see it, then right-click the picture & click "Save image as..." from the drop-down menu & save the picture to your computer. Now you can proceed to Step 1.

Step 1: Open a new tab on your internet browser & go toΒ Imgbox.comΒ (there are other image hosting websites, but this is the one I have been using).

Step 2: Click on the "UPLOAD IMAGES" button.

Step 3: Find the picture you are wanting to upload, click it, then click Open.

Step 4: Next, beside where it says Content Type, you will see a drop-down menu that says, "SELECT CONTENT TYPE". Click that & then select "Family Safe Content".

Step 4: Next, click the "Start upload" button.

Step 5: Next, you will see the page in the picture below. On this page, you will want to click on the picture you just uploaded.

Step 6: Next, you will see the page in the picture below. On this page, you will want to right-click on the picture, which will bring up a drop-down menu. From this drop-down menu, you want to select "Copy image address".

Step 7: Next, you want to go back to SpaceHey & then go to Edit Profile.Β 

Step 8: Once you are on Edit Profile, you will decide what section you are wanting to upload your picture and then type in the following code:


Step 9: Next, delete where it says IMAGE GOES HERE, but leave the quotation marks.Β 

Step 10: Next, paste the image address you copied from the picture you uploaded on between the quotation marks from the <img src=""> code.Β 

Step 11: Now, you can either save the image at the full size that it is OR you can adjust the height and/or width of the image within this same code.Β 

To adjust the height of your image, your code will look like:


*Example: <img src="IMAGE ADDRESS GOES HERE" height="150">Β 

(The example code would make the height of your image 150px tall. The width will automatically be adjusted to make the image show up with the correct proportions.)

To adjust the width of your image, your code will look like:


*Example:Β <img src="IMAGE ADDRESS GOES HERE" width="150">

(The example code would make the width of your image 150px wide. The height will automatically be adjusted to make the image show up with the correct proportions.)

To adjust both the height and the width of your image, your code will look like:


*Example:Β <img src="IMAGE ADDRESS GOES HERE" height="150" width="150">Β 

(The example code would make the height of your image 150px tall and the width of your image 150px wide.)

Step 12: Once you finish adjust the height and/or width of your image to your liking, then you can click the "Save All" button and the image will be on your SpaceHey profile. Great job! You did it! πŸŽ‰πŸ˜Š


17 Kudos


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Zaboomafoo's profile picture

thank you this helped alot! :))) had to tweek the size and turned out good!

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You're very welcome!
So glad I could help!

by Jody Marie β™‘; ; Report


SinSprinkl3s88's profile picture

omg I just love your blog it fkn helped me sooo much

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xX_4000_Xx's profile picture

i justed used discord?

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✰ L!pgloss._.Add!ct ☽ (I have w rizz,, beware)

✰ L!pgloss._.Add!ct ☽ (I ...'s profile picture


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You're welcome!

by Jody Marie β™‘; ; Report

Aww thank you!
I enjoy helping people!

by Jody Marie β™‘; ; Report

omg....I can't do it :(

by Viñhalo; ; Report