🜏Trollsen🜏's profile picture

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Category: Life

Big Boy Time.

Entry 25

Oh boy! 

Well where do I begin, Earlier this year I had met this guy via a mutual friend. He seemed very cool with his style and the way he treated me. Basically when we met I had come into some wealth (20 bucks) and had been giving my spare quarters to my chums as like a joke, and I had given him a cool quarter (one with a bat on it). I told him to "hold onto it for me" and to "give it back after a month" and to my surprise he did so! After the week had gone by I gave him another and said "Don't spend it all in one place" and he gave me a dollar(very cool) so I was like "score". Anyways, this went on for a while until one day he just gave me his number in a "Top Secret" envelope. I decided to shoot a message and we started chatting about something and it devolved into bad lawyer ironic roleplay. I using my magnificent charms ("Erm, can I call your lawyer") phoned him up and we started reading Asperchu until late into the night. Safe to say we hit it off well if not great, eventually I could tell there was a lil' something between us (Dancing together, Obvious flirting, Small gifts ETC) and pushed my luck. I told him "Hey, I wanna give you something on Friday" (Smirking with devious intent) and he was all intrigued and such. And soon the week passed and Friday came, when the bell rang for us all to go back to class I asked him to close his eyes cause' I am mad pussyfooted and he obliged which led to me giving him a peck on the cheek and trying to run away. He didn't let that happen though and pulled me in for like a normal cool kiss, we both said goodbye and went to class and I was like "Score!" cause I am a normal person. Anyways, I took him on a date the next week to the classiest restaurant I could afford (Jack in the Box) and now we are in a relationship (2 months so far). Sorry for this little rant thing I just felt like talkin' bouts' it. I think I might have "secured the bag" as the youth say.

Bye Bye Peeps :^]

Entry 25 complete 

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corpseofvenus's profile picture

BRO WERES OUR INOCENT NOM SERIOUS DYLAN????? THis guy isnt good for you

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