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The Zootopia abortion fanfic

I love spreading fun facts about stupid niche shit, It’s like subjecting the innocent Victorian children to Homestuck. 

Did you know the Judy hopps abortion comic isnt just a shit post, has an actual deep plot line with ok to terrible writing and had a follow up comic to it???

The first is called I will survive and the second is called born to be alive. 

Trigger warnings or content warnings im aware of for the media are

DA,Substance abuse(booze), Lots of swearing, mention of abortioin, use of religion ( In the first one nick refers to it as a premeditated sin) 

I cant seem to find a free version of the second any more  or atleast without someone else’s criticisms already being there. (Albeit theyre valid but annoying to scroll past when just trying to eye the comic) however there are plenty of I will survive.

Here’s a blurb behind the idea of the comic, take it with a tinge of salt and know that at the time it mostly focused around discussing “I will survive” and not “Born to be alive” 

Borba has said that the comic was intended to show that even a One true pairing can break up, given the right circumstances. However, he chose an unplanned pregnancy as the rock upon which their relationship crashes. As a result, a large portion of the audience focused on Nick's pro-life vs Judy's pro-choice positions. This caused the general public to come to know it as the "Zootopia Pro-Life Comic" or the "Zootopia Abortion Comic", even though the term abortion or pro-life is never used in the story.

Take in mind that while pro life or pro choice isn’t said the topic of the two are very clearly there and obvious. 

Him showing up drunk after they divorce due to different views on the pro choice movement

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this posted twice and i acddently delted someone asking about judy get jfkd but the answer is yesnt

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