
Some of the undead running around here clawed at the wall and tried to pull themselves up he seemed to have noticed him or smelled him.Quickly I closed the window.But this bang attracted more.Now they knocked on the door again. The door won't hold for long.In a panic he got everything he needed and stuffed it into a bag.If he doesn't get out of here now he'll be lunch for these things. He ran to the other end of the apartment and opened the window to the manage the jump should be. There is a small ledge below the window where wood was stored. He jumped down and ran to the shed.the fear and adrenaline let him and be careful. The door to the shed was locked. Without thinking, he picked up a stone and hit the lock. Just then he heard the door break down, just in time. The lock broke and he searched the shed as fast as he could, finding a shovel and an axe. There were also more weapons but it would be too heavy.the things should be enough for now. 

He pulled open the garden gate.It squeaked loudly.Of course those things heard him.The street that was normally so crowded was now absolutely empty.They all went to his door and into the street a little further away.He took his chance and sprinted through the street.But quickly he realized he didn't know where to go.He couldn't drive a car so he was more or less exposed to those things.Just as the adrenaline was wearing off and he realized he was dead,he saw an old little kiosk. He was there in the past only 2 times.But now he will save his life.The store was apparently quickly left.The door was open and most of the things were still there.He bolted directly the door.''You did it Shadix...You did it.,,.Shadix. so was the name of the boy.The boy now collapsed on the floor of the kiosk sat and had tears in his eyes.Now he knew that he can not give up.He must not give up. After he calmed down, he decided to explore the kiosk.The kiosk was already quite huge.This was a good sign. The food will surely last for months, if not a year or two, if you don't eat too much.

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