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Category: Pets and Animals

shark buoyancy

did u know that sharks don't float like the common fish? usually, fish have this organ called the swim bladder, and they basically inflate themselves w air so that the volume is either equal to or more than the water volume, that's how fish float but sharks don't have that!!

Some species make up for that by just living on the floors of the ocean. However, some sharks have oils in their liver :o oils have bigger molecules, therefore they cannot be as compact and tight as water molecules can, having a lighter density. this factor helps with the fact that with the help of the shark liver, they can float!!

an advantage they have with this is that they can go as deep as they want, without having to worry because if you had a swim bladder, and went deeper, u would just explode because your body can't hold the inflated size of the bladder basically. 

but a con is that sharks have to be constantly swimming, which is what caused the common belief that "sharks do not sleep" which isn't completely untrue! but they're still animals with energy limits, so instead they have active restful periods. and some sharks like the nurse shark have spiracles that force the water to come across their gills so they can have temporary rest periods.

a shark's liver oil is made of squalene, it can help greatly with inflammation, acne, eczema and more!! that is why beauty cosmetics use sharks as a source of their products. this is animal cruelty, especially with a species that is endangered.

Squalene oil not only comes from sharks, but our own human skin, sugar cane, olives, fruits etc. the only reason sharks are a target for this is that they carry the largest known quantity of squalene oil. but it is scientifically clear that there are much more eco-friendly alternatives that can happen easily because they are close to our reach, they just choose the faster, simpler alternative.

if you want to do research about what cosmetic brands are friendly, here are a few that are animal-cruelty free: dove, drunk elephant, the ordinary, kylie cosmetics, kylie skin, covergirl, e.l.f, bobbi brown

-- here is a website on how to identify brands that may or may not use shark squalene. they also have a larger list of cosmetic brands that are animal cruelty free.

^ they advise you on what to do if you wanna know if they use shark squalene oil or not, I recommend you watch out for anti-aging creams, lotions, hair conditioners, deodorants, eye shadows, lip balm, lipstick and face cleansers. 

vaccines and some medicine pills/supplements do use shark squalene, which I personally think we can look over because they are for health reasons, although it would be nice to to source it from plants anyway.

I may have gone a little overboard on the infodump, sorry TT___TT

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spookss's profile picture


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samuel's profile picture

This is such an interesting fact, I'm now going to make sure to check if all my products are free from squalene oil from sharks and just cruelty free in general. Have a great day!

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james / peter ★

james / peter ★'s profile picture

love the shark facts <33 !!

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SALZ2KEWL :3's profile picture

after scrolling on blog for almost 3 hours this was my favourite blog, thank u for sharing these shark facts

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no problem :D

by kiki; ; Report


shaydabop's profile picture

this was a cool read!! I wouldve never known about the skincare issue otherwise, ty!

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exactly ! we always welcome new information about sharks ( •̀ ω •́ )✧

by Hayden; ; Report

i think the cosmetics issue with shark oil is getting less and less noticed over time, and I'm glad that I can share this info!

by kiki; ; Report

Exactly, this is an issue that should not be ignored. thank u for spreading awareness!

by Hayden; ; Report