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Category: Blogging

LIFE UPDATE! My House Now...

HIYA EVERYONE!!! How's everyone doin'? :D Hadn't blogged in a while so I felt like just typin' up a storm again!! You know me, I love not shutting up, so here's how my past week has been!! :D

SO, once again I'm on house-watch duty! My mother is out of town for some business, so I'm taking care of the house and my sister again- cooking, cleaning, laundry, dishes, making sure serial killers dont get in yknow all that jazz!! Since its just two of us its not hard work really, but its a big responsibility! Feeding yourself is one thing, but making sure your sister gets fed too is something else altogether!!

Jeez I mean, the other night I made rice for the both of us, but it was sooo much, I really need to work on my portions T_T Im no 5 star chef but im not a lousy cook either!

Anyways, yesterday I woke up at 6:40 A.M to make my sister some breakfast- she usually can get up by herself without a problem and walk to school alone, but she asked me to make her eggs with sausages before school that day so I couldnt say no :") we left at around 7:40 ish and we were able to stop by a starbucks for some drinks! She got a frappuccino and I got an iced latte, but jeez talk about  a SCAM, i swear 90% of that latte was ice, i finished it in 5 minutes... i shouldve gotten a dragonfruit refresher instead, FML T_T

I dropped her off at school after the short walk, and passed by the pharmacy for an air freshener spray bottle thing since the last one ran out- I got back home at around 8 and well.... I got to cleaning! It was a HEAVY cleaning day- My sister was bringing her friends over on the afternoon so I had to sweep and mop the kitchen and living room- it wasnt too hard really :D Afterwards I took out the trash, and cleaned up some other areas that needed maintenance! I finished at around 10 am and well. I took a big fat nap afterwards HAHAHA (i just really like sleeping!! dont blame me ToT)- I woke up around 12 or 1 so I didnt wake up THAT late....

(unrelated tangent, but I really love sleeping so much- I sleep like 10 hours at night and last year when i was finishing High School i took a nap everyday without fail SHSAGJASGH- I cant help it!! i just like napping hehe- i mustve been a cat or an old dog in a past life..)

ANYWAYS- the rest of the day was calm enough; her friends came over and they got some pizza, but they left soon afterwards; my sister had some birthday parties to go to so I was alone the rest of the night- I watched this old movie with Natalie Portman in it and it was nice, i felt like my grandma when she watched her novelas and dramas in bed HAHAH

HMMM otherwise... well, today is groceries day! We're going to go in a bit, and I already have the list- thankfully it isnt a lot, so we'll only stock up in fruits and stuff :D Shes having some friends over for a sleepover so Im cooking for 3, possibly 4 tomorrow mornin... AHHHH

what else... well yea, thast really it! I think ive been a bit out of it recently, mostly because my emotions are messin' with me a bit- I wont say much but recently i just got hurt by some people and it was a hard hit, but its okay! im starting to care less about it so i can just move on :P I hope I can draw more today! Ive been out of ideas all week, and if theres one thing I hate more than struggling to finish a drawing, its not drawing at all -_-;;

BUT YEA! ill see if I can get myself some chips and those sugared up tea drinks from the store so I can watch a movie tonight :P anyone know good rom coms? I wtched Just Like Heaven and LOVED It so i want more stuff like it hehehe... TILL THEN ILL SEE YA!!!


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strawberry_mang0's profile picture

Napping is a life-saver frrr ! I used to nap 20 min everyday in high school and it gave me energy for the rest of the day.
Also you seem such a kind big sibling !! Rice and smiles !! :)))

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YESSS- napping alwasy made me feel like i could get my soul back in my body after a crushing day of studies BSBDSHS

AND AHH THANK YOUU!! thats so sweet of you to say TwT!! <3 <3

by churro ☆彡; ; Report