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Category: Web, HTML, Tech

blah blah

i just finished personalyzing layout and i noticed that html/css is so much easier than python for ex. i had both python and html classes at school but i didn't realized the difference then. by the way learning basic programming at school very helpfull at lest for editing spacehey layouts, hahaha

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The Nonby Who Befriended the Spiders from Mars

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It’s bc python is a programming languangr and html/css ain’t a programming language, it’s a markup lamguange

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well yes but anyway pythonit requires very strict punctuation and various indents, simply put, you need to be very careful while working, and when you are in class at school, focusing on the task is quite difficult. therefore, it is better to give a more in-depth study of either something like html or a simpler language than python. or I just wrote something wrong in the blog, idk_(:3 」∠)_

by sasha; ; Report