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Category: Blogging

hey hey hi hi

i always wanted a blog as a kid, but i could never figure out what kind of thing i would say. i was born too late for myspace, and i wasn't funny enough to get noticed on tumblr. and i think that might have been my problem - i was so focused on being noticed that i wasn't posting things that i actually cared about. 

i might just treat this as a diary of some sort - where i can just come and say whatever i'm thinking about without caring whether it gets seen or not. 

maybe i'll do book reviews, or movie reviews. maybe i'll rank my favourite haikyu characters. or i'll complain about having to do work for a course that i decided to do. 

i'll just exist for a while, as me. i've never had the chance to do that before, really. who knows? it might be fun :)

4 Kudos


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Maxgetsscared's profile picture

sighh i agree, i went on this site in hopes i can be some kind of blogger but what do people even talk about these days?

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i was worried about that, too, but i kind of realised that im not doing it to get noticed, im doing it because i want to talk about things. so talk about whatever you want to talk about, and the right people will find it :)

by mog; ; Report

that's true :)

by Maxgetsscared; ; Report


★Dan★'s profile picture

jeje same here, even tho my mom dont allowed me to use internet until i was like 14 so i can tell XD
haikyu rate sounds fun!!

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omg i wasn't allowed anything until i was 14 either, and i had to BEG for them to let me make a tumblr account lol.
i might do my haikyu rating tomorrow if i have chance to :)

by mog; ; Report

Yes i will wait for that!
Also i think my mom was rigth couse she left one 1 minute on internet and i dowloand wattpad ajsjs

by ★Dan★; ; Report

i completely forgot about wattpad,, i used to write stories and send people at my school the links to read them and i had the audacity to wonder why people bullied me lmao

by mog; ; Report

Me but with yaoi storys of BTS im so embarrassed
Wondering why my classmate bullIied me

by ★Dan★; ; Report