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Category: Life

i hate wasps hornets and all those other shiys

ive never been stung by anything but im still to fcking terrified of any insect that buzzes bc that almost akwyas means that they can sting me. today in class a fatass fly flew in through the window and i almost fell off my chair bc i thought it was a wasp. i tried to open my window today and almost sprained my ankle becAUSE 3 OF THose little shits tried to fly into my room in the span of 30 minutes like wtf. 

i remember when a hornet flew into my room this one time. i have an attic bedroom and its the worst ever because when something like that flies in i literally have no chance of escaping. so basically i was sitting on my bed and i hear something buzzing like REALLY loudly, at first i thought it was my neighbour cuz hes always mawning the lawn for some reason but then the buzzing sounded like it came from the inside... AND THEN I SAW IT. AND IT WAS HEADING RIGHT AT ME. ive never screamed so loud in my life. i ran out of room and almost fell down the stairs in the process. it looked to PISSED. as if I was thr one that told him to fly into my room??? anyways i told my dad that a big wasp flew into my room bc i wasnt sure if it was a hornet or not and i didnt want him to make fun of me lmao. but when he went to shoo it away he also ran away screaming that its actually a hornet so my stepmom had to intervene, but it flew away already, but that was so terrifying like my life flashed before my eyes i was shaking like crazy

another time was during covid when i opened my window during math class and a wasp flew into my room and hid under the blind... i closed it some time later AND THERN IT SUDDENLY FLEW OUT OF HIDING. i also ran away but i was still on call with the teacher and class. and i was so scared to go into that room that i stayed out of it for like another hour until i asked my (at the time 8 year old💀) sister if she can open my window for me quickly cuz "i have to do smth" bc she didnt know about the wasp... the worst part is that my amth teacher just stayed on the call the whole time... 

now my cat is begging me to open the window for her to look out(its her favourite activity) but she almost got stung like 2 times today. sorry baby i aint risking it.... 

anyways love u xx

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