I was taking a kid in to do a diaper change a simple visit to mr potty I thought she just had some pee pee but then i pulled down the pull up and redish orange diarria fell on the ground and around my feet ): this was a scary suprise but i did what I do best and picked her up and hurryed her to the changing station where a cleaned her up resally fast and good like i wlwasy do, for I am pro at changinbg diapers I have done thounsends of them!!!!! anyway this is how my dau went....
8 am wake up nect to my hot emo gf get snuggs
9am coffee and dark souls
10 am look at phone
11 am bike to the store and acquire a vape this was a perticuler sunny and buitiful seattle spring day
12 am head to work
1-5 absolutly slay at being a teacher told my to say "Can you do X" instead of "do you want to do x" as the ladder is infuriating to me it pisses me of so righteously! its like they see that something needs to be done like cleaning a babys nose but instead of just doing it themsleves like i would if i thought something needed to be done they go to me and like soft ball insinuating in the most wishy washy way that like ohhh do you wanna go clean teh nose? and hand me a whipe like if ypu went to go get the whipe to make me do it and this would all be super chill to me if they just directly asked me hey can you go do this? and hell yes i have no probelm working at work, and i am wrapped up in my own thing adn they come and kinda insunuate that i should have known or done it by now idk it annpyes the crap out of me becouse 70% of the work place do that
6pm go to park
iom bpored mpw i, dpome i domt wammt blog anymore peace out kiss
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