Aster's profile picture

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Category: Blogging

H3y Ast3r h3r3...


Ast3r h3r3 thank you to the cr3ator of SH for b3ing a tru3 king and building this sit3!

I was born in 96 so by th3 tim3 I got onlin3 I had just miss3d the MySpac3 craz3 but it always brought such nostalgia scrolling abandon3d profil3z & playing a lot of Gaia always r3mind3d m3 of this kind of sit3.

I am 3xited to 3njoy a n3w mor3 alt3rnativ3 fri3ndly platform as FB has long b33n awful for m33ting n3w peopl3.

I hop3 I can mak3 lots of n3w fri3nds.
F33l fr33 to add m3 anytim3 & chat.


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