New Account is Ratobes's profile picture

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Category: Life

About me!!

Name: Ray/RayRay (only Nicki call me that)/Raya/Rayna

Profile Name/Game Name: Rayanex/Raynotfound

Birthday: Oct 14!!

Age: 13!!

Relationship: Hell yeah im taken!!!

Nationality: Mexican-American (i think i got some Asian blood inside me)

Disorders: Apparently im autistic, OCD

Hobbies: Music, Art, Drawing, Painting, writing, reading, typing, bracelet making, Cooking, and gaming!!!

Likes: My lover, Minecraft, Dteam, DSMP, QSMP, Art, pictures, Friends, Family, Cats, Dogs ig, Stickers, LGBTQ+, Cooking, My phone, cleaning, typing, texting friends, nature, rain, thunder (tho it lowkey scare me)

Dislikes: Homos, Pedos, Racists Transphobics, Bugs, being told what to do, furries (depends what kind you are), can't think of anything else so ill update later!!!

2 Kudos


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ACIDIC.'s profile picture

wait, your autistic?

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ive been told i am cause my sister said i was and my friends told me i was so idk if im actually am

by New Account is Ratobes; ; Report

HM, interesting , you should go get professionally diagnosed before you can say your autistic/pos

by ACIDIC.; ; Report

other info: just because someone says your autistic doesn't mean your actually autistic and they could just be joking

by ACIDIC.; ; Report


carl 's profile picture

If ur Mexican why did u say the N word in a different post

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Ik what post your talking about but its censored out im not typing it fully plus its a copy n paste lyrics..

by New Account is Ratobes; ; Report

It’s not censored enough lol and it dosent matter if it’s copy paste

by carl; ; Report

I can fix it if you want me to

by New Account is Ratobes; ; Report