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Category: Blogging


i'm not sure what it is about the feeling of the early 2000s up to 2013 but i've got this weird longing for it, for some reason. nothing that's really specifically what can be called an 'aesthetic', but just the feeling of that 'era'. reminds me vaguely of summertime as a kid. always has me thinking of the cicadas humming and simpler times

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Gray's profile picture

I always think of being a happy kid when I remember that era. Everything was so simple and easy going for me. I was happy with my video games and had friends to talk to them about it, cartoons were the best, and internet was still a new thing to me.

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guttergirl's profile picture

no srsly! ©2002 hereee n 2000-2013 were the only yesrs anything felt realll xc also likee the internetz one big ad now its less of a ✪creative space✪ 4 cool shit bc everybodys on here

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the internet is definitely inherently no longer a space meant for people but is instead the equivalent of a.... mall. you don't craft or curate your own experience and there's no room for individualism; you're meant to slot into a space predetermined for you, and it's really... tiring. the dissolution of spaces meant for youth and innocence in place of advertisements and trackers and the desire to profit off of something.sigh. it's so tiring nowadays to the degree i almost just want a flip phone instead of an iphone - i don't want to be sucked into being a little statistic, anymore. i just wanted to have fun

by je; ; Report

SAAAAME SAME im not the onlyy one considerin a flip phone??!? we realllllly are just statistics on here now ur totally right :(( the internet used 2 be so cool like ur at the most poppin mall of the times when kewl shit was still happenin but its all so... sterile?? now? exactly like u said ToT so boooored of the internet n really rethinkin my usage when its not actively socializing or sumthing creative/fulfilling ( like spacehey :3 )

by guttergirl; ; Report