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Category: Blogging

peoples personality being su!c!de

why do i keep seeing people who think being su!c!dal is a quirky personality trait

im not gonna like, talk to them about it nor bash on anyone about it but its super annoying to see a cool looking account but when i check their profile its just talkin about how badly they wanna kts, if you actually feel this way im worried and i really hope you can overcome these feelings in a healthy way but if you just think its cool then dude shut UP youre not being interesting when you do that its so strange

like, ok, i understand people might be really young and think that stuff is cool or somethin, but if youre young then why are you messin around with that stuff go outside and have fun before outside time turns into a rare occasion or sumn

sorta on the same topic, why do so many people also think being traumatized is quirky and fun? like i was in my writing club yesterday and like ALL of the members that were there were being all weird about their characters being traumatized which thats a fault on their character writing abilities you shouldnt just make your character traumatized cuz you think its cool and you have no other idea what to do with them but i guess i dont actually know anything about this cuz i dont write as much as i should being in a damn writing club

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leafypop's profile picture

YEAH. I knew a guy who would make all their ocs just sad and depressed and it was SO annoying. they also would join vcs and go "hey guys. Im sad" while interrupting our convo. like cool dude idrc.

its so weird when people brag about being mentally ill like go outside jfc

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yea exactly , like i hope the guy gets a better mind set and can see errors in his ways and can grow but interruptin a whole conversation , not once , but numerous times isnt cool , i still hope hes doin better and alright though and isnt doin that stuff

by Dirk.; ; Report


rania 's profile picture


littrely for any mental illness or disorder like their profiles will be like

“autistic, anxiety, depression, hypersexual, hip dysplasia and erectile dysfunction” and act like that shit is norml

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i think we shouldn't treat like mental and physical problems aren't normal, but i also think it shouldn't be a quirky trait and stuff
like, if someone feels comfortable sharin that info, cool ! but a lot of times its just to get attention n shit . if youre sharin that info as a cautionary or a reason on why you might do a few things that can be deemed as unsettling or whatever the hell , cool ! but dont do it for attention
directed at them not you of course but i agree with ya

by Dirk.; ; Report

💫 Matt !!

💫 Matt !!'s profile picture

ergh. Yeah. you can make a character cool without it being traumatized... trauma is not fun or cool it is very annoying

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yeah exactly, like i stated unless the trauma is important or is relevant or whateve just dont do it ESPECIALLY not for kicks its just not funny start parenthasis this is directed at people who are annoyin and shitty abt that stuff end parenthasis

by Dirk.; ; Report


yumika's profile picture

literally went on a dc server where everyone was being cheery and happy and someone (who was being SERIOUS) was like "lolz im gonna go back to being suicidal again) AND their status would just alternate between "normal again lol" and "suicidal again :)" every other minute.... its not a personality trait!?? this person is MY age... and as someone who has gone through shit like that its not funny. at all. i dont get how someone would WANT it as a part of them while most people are trying to get rid of it ???? I'm all for awareness and the topic being normalized instead of people in need being ignored, but its getting out of hand.. its just so watered down atp and its annoying

anyway sorry for my rant but i was also pretty upset abt this just a bit ago

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nah man its fine if you give your opinion, its so wacked that people are makin this their personality cuz now when people maybe most often?? teens and kids actually DO deal with such hard feelings and issues its just gonna more often be set aside as ohh youre being angsty and think its cool to be like this cuz of the people doin that

by Dirk.; ; Report