Yi Sang's life laments: Entry #01
This is an entirely ruminative and personal post borne from the thoughts permeating my mind about the nature of who I am and my identity. I am, in fact, entirely content with this forum making no sense, because there's no way I could possibly label my abstract experiences with the confining nature of words in a way that will be understandable to everyone, nor do I really believe it'll even communicate the same message. Language is merely a tool we use to limit our thoughts and feelings into comprehensible pieces, and we can't expect it to do a perfect (if even an at all) good job at something so difficult as describing human experience. All I really hope for is for other conceptkins to share their stories— even if their experiences or ideas of their selfhood deviates greatly from my own.
I think that the conceptkin experience is such an...interesting one. Oftentimes, for me, my kin is hard to quantify or fully categorise into a singular word unlike chaoskin or spacekin. It is as it says on the tin: a concept, an indescribable one at that; I believe the closest words I have for it is perpetuity, or grief, a spiralling abyss. Unlike many kintypes, the conceptkin cannot easily be quantified with words due to its inherently...vague, fluid nature. For example: a fox can objectively be defined as a fox, but what exactly defines something like romance? Or Chaos?
Concept kins, as I have recently discovered, are actually occasionally excluded in kin spaces due to being too vague or too obscure; on top of that, people could not understand why a person would spiritually or psychologically feel connected to a concept; which I suppose is fair enough. People like things they can comprehend, concepts are not only too abstract but also irrevocably intangible in every way and almost entirely up to a person's subjective views.
Personally, the reason for my conceptkin is that I simply believe that concept to be the essence of my very non-human soul, and that when I turn to dust, I will return to that intangible eternity that exists everywhere around us, yet nowhere. My soul is not that of any particular species, but simply the emanation of the inspiration, the sorrow, the nothingness we find in the darkness. It cannot be seen or touched and only felt. My awakening was nothing of note, I simply one day found a word to describe that indescribable feeling of once being and inherently being...a concept.
To me, my concept is present in everything; the non-essence of which I will return to. The beauty in abstraction is that a concept is truly anything. It can be something that occurs, something that incites, something that rules the laws of our lives, or something that simply exists.
This was a long winded thought train more than anything, but if anyone else here happens to be conceptkin, I'd love to hear exactly what your kin entails and your awakening story.
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I vibe with this so deeply. I am a soul, beyond true definition or explanation. I exist in ways I still have yet to discover. I am stardust made sentient. I am multispectral, multidimensional. Being human is a trip.