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Category: Writing and Poetry

☠︎︎Poetry Corner☠︎︎


The poems I write are macabre, rarely do I dwell in sweet matters of the heart. 

I will be posting my poems here as I write them, perhaps deliver some older works that I deem worthy of public light. 

We shall see 


♰Rotten to the core♰

Soul moldy and putrid, 

rot and tar in my veins 

Living dead 

maggots in my brain. 

Memories static, 

mind an eerie buzz 

No sense of time

lost between then and now 

What is to come? 

That I do not know 

Only that; 

I stay rotting. 


forever more 

written - 3rd of May, 2023 

3rd of June, 2023

Greetings again. 

This next poem is a little different from my usual writings; it is sweet and light. Romantic even 

It has not a name, I have quite a few unnamed poems, so I shall be numbering them as I release them 


♰unnamed poem #1

For a moment 

the charm of your scent

To stay with you, 

my wish most earnest 

In polar night 

eternal summer by your side 

The stars in the sky blossom, 

for you I pick the loveliest one 

My worries I dust 

and my sorrows I burn 

Your voice if I may one last time

hear the midnight sun 

written - 29th-30th of May, 2023 

8th of June, 2023


This post is a little longer, I realised I probably should write down the dates of my updates so from now on the date of the update will appear in these segments where I explain some things about the poem(s) I post. 

These next ones are older poems I wrote some time ago while I still lived with my parents. They are what I write most often; macabre and melancholic. 

They are not vent poems, I do not share those with anyone. They are an outlet for me and I alone. 

Anyhow, let us get to it 


♰unnamed poem #2♰

I look to the night sky

half the stars are gone

Walk through a burnt field 

my bones rotten 

I pluck my flesh 

sow it in dirt 

My heart numb and cold

soul scabby 

I look to the sky

the stars are alight again 

written - 14th of April, 2022 


unnamed poem #3

I was blind

you lead me to the light 

but when I opened my eyes

you were gone

and it was dark again 

written - 19th of August, 2020 

25th of August, 2023


It has been a short while since my last post, so worry not. I come forth with a new poem. One I just wrote, to be precise. 

Hope you enjoy 


♰unnamed poem #4

Eyes as dark as night, 

they pierce my flesh 

In their gaze I dance, 

movements not welcome 

For whom the bell rings, 

whose toll I listen? 

Whom plays the flute, 

whose tune  

accompanies the flutter within? 

I am a begger, 

dependant in your words 

Coin of encouragement, 

shall sustain my needs 

The dark eyes watch. 

The lips in my dreams shall speak, 

and I shall listen 

written - 25th of August, 2023 

28th of August, 2023


It did not take me long to write a new poem. One could say I am on a roll. I am already working on a new one. 

This next one is my usual style of writing, as was the one before 


♰unnamed poem #5

Under the blackened wings, 

a vulnerable lamb 

picking pieces of itself.  

Fear of loss, 

fear of memory 

Ghostly touches 

freeze me in place 

In the shadows 

you smell my tears 

I'm afraid to close my eyes, 

image of you gone 

unreal bliss

to twisted reality.  

To the cold embrace I return, 

come crawling back to you 

I am whole once more, 

I put myself together 

Love me until I break again 

written - 28th of August, 2023

28th of August, 2023 

Greetings again. 

The second poem of the day is already done, just before heading to bed. 

So far I have been proud of my recent works, I hope I get as inspired in the future as I have been in the last few days. 

This next one is my usual style as well, and this time it has a name 


♰Eating habits

The taste of bones on my tongue; 

a mockery of a feast, 

so sweet in my mouth 

In the black sunlight 

I bask and fester, 

as a disease beneath your skin 

As your flesh cries, 

I satiate my hunger.  

I lick my fingers,

nothing left of you 

but a mind's image 

your final scream in my ears.  

Look me in the eyes 

as I snuff the light from yours 

Anticipation and impatience 

but to savour the moment; 

my one true desire 

written - 28th of August, 2023 

1st of September, 2023


It did not take me long to write a new poem. Inspiration has been easy to find, fortunately. 

This next poem follows the same theme as the one before. 

I hope you enjoy



In the endless white noise 

I hear the intrusion 

penetrating my mind, 

the sickening cataclysm 

of needing more. 

Eating my skin and flesh 

sew my mouth shut 

do not speak a word 

eating my guts and bones 

a whisper in the cold 

in darkness I see

in silence I hear

aftermath of satisfaction 

taunt with a hidden need 

for more 

written - 1st of September, 2023 

3rd of September, 2023


This next poem is a lot shorter than my other ones, so you can expect a longer poem soon. 

Along with being short, it is not my usual style; it is lighthearted and sweet.



♰unnamed poem #6

Your youth withers like a flower 

In my eyes, 

you are still beautiful 

written - 3rd of September, 2023 

3rd of September, 2023 

Greetings again. 

As promised, another poem. It is my usual style this time. 

More fitting of the nature of my previous works I have shared. 



♰unnamed poem #7♰

Turn your ear 

to the deafening silence. 

The walls cry out, 

the floors moan 

preserve the flesh of man. 

Have a lick, 

have a taste 

at the nauseating sensation

of a man gutted 

written - 3rd of September, 2023 

6th of September, 2023


I bring something a little different this time. While it is the usual macabre and haunting kind, the writing differs a great deal. 

Do enjoy 



The kiss of death, 

let it be sweet 

let it remind of love 

from the time youth blossomed 

and the flowers bloomed. 

Let the touch be warm,  

let it set my heart aflame, 

let the sensation tingle 

Allow me this kindness. 

When death takes me away, 

let the memories be bright, 

let them last forever more 

When the light in my eyes 

flickers for the last time; 

let them dim 

in silence 

when I draw my last breath 

let it be the final moment 

you hear me speak 

written - 6th of September, 2023 

14th of November, 2023 


After two months of silence I finally bring a new poem 


♰unnamed poem #8♰

Chocking on air, 

gagged in your absence 

floating away in the wind,  

I wept 

drowned in my sorrow, 

lungs full of tears 

In barren pastures 

I eat my heart 

stuck between my teeth

the pieces you left 

written - 1st of November, 2023 

12th of January, 2024


Once more, two months has passed and I have a new poem. It took me a quite a while to find inspiration. Fortunately, it did come my way eventually. 

Late new year wishes, and here is the poem 


♰unnamed poem #9♰

Breathing flesh 

drowned in desire, 

hands of death 

against warm skin 

Getting a taste 

of the putrid tongue,  


by dying breath 

In my guts 

a swelling feeling 

Eating me 

to the bone 

written - 11th of January, 2024 

12th of March, 2024


I do not have a brand new poem at hand, however from the confineds of my phone I found an older one. It is from a couple months ago, last year to be exact 


♰unnamed poem #10♰

Wolves gather 

To kill the sheep 

With their remains 

they do dance 

Among the beasts 

I see you 

written - forgotten date, 2023 


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