Got to see my favorite band, Machine Girl, live with 100 gecs on Friday! I couldn't get very good video, but I did try.
you can watch my recordings here.
the main issue with my Machine Girl recordings is that my view was, to put it kindly, pretty shit. the main issue with my 100 gecs recordings is that I was jumping around with my phone in portrait so my camerawork is less than stellar. Oh well, there's always next time (i hope)
aside from that, here are some pictures I took on the train ride back home.
I didn't end up getting a very good view of Machine Girl, but I did get to see most of 100 gecs performance from the side. even so, when watching Machine Girl, oh man. even though I could barely see, I was so awestruck. they were amazing. I hope they play around here again soon.
100 gecs played my favorite song of theirs, Machine Girl played like my 3rd favorite, both times I did end up crying. it was just so cool to hear these songs I feel so connected to being played live mere feet away by the people responsible for them. All I could do to thank the musicians on stage for being so good and sharing it with everyone was scream, so lets hope that got ths message across
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