Buff/Nerf Theory (Boruto)

Buff/Nerf Theory

Buff/Nerf Theory is an axiomatic concept within Boruto that is widely accepted in the Naruto fanbase. Although a presupposition in the common meta, there are arguments to back this ideology up (see examples)

Buff/Nerf Theory offers potential explanations for the Boruto era variants of Naruto/Sasuke/Sakura becoming much closer to the average ninja level than expected and also explains why other near-main characters have done an insane amount of catch up towards the main characters.

The theories:

  1. Nerf: The main 3 characters were nerfed in all stats to accommodate for their being unrivaled.

  2. Buff: Every other character besides the main 3 were given buffs in order to rival the main 3 characters

  3. Both: A middle ground where the 3 main characters were given a lighter nerf while the non main characters were given a full buff.

I’ll be splitting my examples up and giving the most common examples. I feel the need to mention that I don’t agree with the reasoning behind most of them. In fact, I don’t subscribe to either theory.

Examples (Nerf):

  1. Naruto and Sasuke seemingly struggle with Shin, a basic Mangekyo user, in the anime. This suggests that someone with no notable features may be able to do the same with what is equivalent to a Sage Mode or Mangekyo amp or similar power in base stats.

  2. Sasuke struggles against Urashiki, an Otsutski member with no notable stats. Sasuke would later go on to rely on kid Naruto, non-Sage Jiraiya, and base Boruto to help take out a buffed Urashiki, suggesting the enemy wasn’t much of a threat to begin with. Although noncanon, Urashiki’s inclusion in the anime is deep seeded, including him in multiple scenes based heavily on canon, suggesting his inclusion is canon to the show and his showings are valid.

  3. Naruto’s performance against Delta is divisive, as he struggles in KCM with hand to hand. Although being labeled as going easy, Naruto makes tactical sacrifices and puts his own citizens in danger. This leads one to believe that although self restricted, he still had trouble competing with a simple side character.You could also make the case that he would later remove his self restriction and tries harder than what he had labeled as "going all out" just before, in order to defeat Delta. This would suggest that he wasn't going light to any notable degree and struggled to win.

Examples (Buff):

  1. Gaara and the rest of the kage were able to somewhat keep up and land strikes on non fused Momoshiki. This was a feat that they had stated to have trained for. Momoshiki is believed to be a potential Kaguya competitor, placing him easily in the 6 Paths level. This suggests that the Kage are all Ten Tails level, with some arguments placing them into the 6 Path tier.

  2. Boruto and his team are able to perceive and keep up with ninja who are above Delta, a character who greatly pressed Naruto. Boruto and his team should be above the Ten Tails level, and like the Kage, possibly in the 6 Path level. Adding on to this, Boruto was able to hit and phase a fused Momoshiki. This should put Boruto deep into the 6 Path tier.

  3. Kashin Koji was able to severely damage a substantially weakened Isshiki, a character who would later go on to defeat both Sasuke and Naruto while they worked in tandem. This arguably places the Jiraiya clone in the Hashirama/Madara level or possibly Ten Tails level or above. Adding to this, Kakashi was able to go flawless on Kashin by making him retreat from his mission with hardly any fuss. Kakashi (who has been stated to be more powerful than his War Arc counterpart) is potentially above Kashin and well into the Ten Tails level or higher.

My thoughts: I figured I should end this off with a quick opinion piece considering the Buff/Nerf theory is so ingrained into the widely accepted meta. I plan to explain my meta here soon so I won't get into crazy detail.
I personally think Boruto as a whole is largely a piece of fan service, similar to the data books and late War Arc. It seems to be built on the backs of the two post-Shippuden movies that hype up Naruto rather than bake more pseudorealism back into the show. I can't speak for it's writing, but Boruto from a power scaling, philosophy, and world building perspective, is a thorn in my side. I largely ignore the show but I'm understanding of its place in the canon.
I personally subscribe to the Chakra Gift Theory that I have explained in another blog. The arguments for the theory may not be completely solid to the vigilant skeptic, but I kinda don't care.
That's it. A long tangent and a syllogism that consists of me telling the reader to kick rocks.

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