With all of the controversy regarding copyright nowadays the animal is going to compile some of his favorite libraries, online pdfs of books and other resources for whoever wants to learn a little bit.
DISCLAIMER: Many of the resources here have a leftist bias or at the very least are put in here with leftist intentions. If that offends you fuck off and find a right winger willing to compile resources for you.
This will be updated (hopefully the animal will remember)
Let me know if you have any questions or requests.
The Anarchist Library: Literal perfection, so much free pdfs of anarchist theory. Printable and downloadable in pretty much anyway you can think of. Currently in process of translating versions to Romanian and Japanese.
Papercut Virtual Zine Library: Collection of zines with a variety of topics, non downloadable
Sherwood Forest Zine Library: Zine library,
Sprout Distro: Zine library
Warzone Distro: Zine library
Pen and Paper: Library of a Pan African Communist: Google drive, good commentaries on race
Shrouded in Fog: Stencil library (can be used for diy patches, graffiti, etc.)
Stencil Punks Lives: Stencil library dedicated to Stencil Punks
A Golden Guide: Hallucinogenic Plants: Published in 1976, a guide to hallucinogenic plants, colorful pictures, take it with a grain of salt
Ecodefence: A Field Guide to Monkeywrenching: From The Anarchist Library, literally one of the animal's favorite books of all time, pictures, radical praxis, super informative.
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