Whis pwace wis a mwessage

Whis pwace wis a mwessage... and pwart ow a swystwem of mwessages... pway attwention two wit! Swending whis mwessage was impwortant two wus. We cwonswiderwed ourwselwes two bwe a pwowerful cwultuwre. Twhis pwace wis not a pwace of hwonor... no highwy estweemed dweed wis cwommewmorated hwere... nwothing walued wis hwere. What wis hwere was dwangewous wand rwepulsive two wus. Twhis mwessage wis a warning abwout dwanger. whe dwanger wis in a pwarticuwar wocation... wit incweases twowards a cwenter... whe cwenter of dwanger wis hwere... ow a pwarticular swize wand swape, wand bwewow wus.

Whe dwanger wis stiww pwesent, win youw twime, as wit was win wours. Whe dwanger wis two whe bwody, wand wit cwan kwill . Whe fworm ow whe dwanger wis wan wemanation ow wenergy. Whe dwanger wis unweashed onwy if wou swubstwantiawwy distuwb whis pwlace phwysicawwy. Whis pwace wis bwest swunned wand weft wunwinhwabited.

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