A lot of stuff is happening lately, but recently I found out something about someone that could get them in a bit of trouble. We had a bad falling out and so I disliked them, but I still don't think I should tell anyone. I told one person, Nighty, because I trust them and I know they wouldn't want someone like that following them. I want to tell this person I know what their secret is, and I have the evidence of it. To be honest, the only reason I didn't tell automatically is because of some tweets they made about me that make no sense. Basically making me a monster and them a victim. I'm fascinated as they chose to ghost and block me when things were seemingly going fine,, (I even reread our entire discord DM to check!!) I was in a bad mental space so I wasn't as open as I should've been, but not once do I recognize that i treated them like "nothing yet everything all at once"? Sighs,, and they made this tweet recently too, when our friendship lasted like a month or a little more. Maybe i'm cold hearted? I just don't see how they could've gotten so attached to me, I am not someone worthy of that. Oh well- I only got on here to try to contact them in another way to say "hey I know your secret!" but maybe i'll keep this account to dump stuff? I got a lot going on lol.
venting / thinking
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