i stoled this from val, srry val

tell us about yourself

name: lucas

nickname: luke, luka, lukra, tukas, tukitas 

zodiac sign: cancer

eye colour: honey brown

hair colour: red and black (dyed) natural is light brown

hair type: straight

height: 1,62

your heritage: wtf idk

what's your middle name?: Iván 

shoes you wore today: air walk¿ idk the label says that

your weakness: kisses in the neck

your fear: be lonely

goal you would like to achieve this year: start my political militancy >:)

first thought when you wake up: shit my hair is a mess

best physical feature: lips and eyes

who is your bestest friend?: MAXI I forced him to get a heyspace account and now he's struggling because he doesn't understand anything about this website i love him

when is your bedtime?: i ussually go to bed around 10-12 pm

your most cherished memory: when doppelgangs, my favourite artist, literally fell on me from the scenary

pepsi or coke?: coke

mcdonalds or burger king?: mostaza >:)

single or group dates?: both

what is the last song you sang?: aurora, that one from the old tiktok trend

does playing the guitar make a person more attractive?: YES YES YES but not always, argentina is full of creeps hanging around fourteen-year-old girls with their guitar cases slung over their shoulders and it's honestly gross

what is your biggest pet peeve?: idk

have you ever drank?: yes

have you ever been drunk?: yep

have you ever smoked?: every day for a year lol

do you sing?: yes, i go to singing lessons

do you want to go to college?: i'm kinda scared about that but yes

have you ever been in love?: yes

do you want to get married?: I'm ashamed to say it but yes i do

do you believe in yourself?: shit idk

do you believe in others?: maxi, i love you maxi

do you like thunderstorms?: yes

do you play an instrument?: no, i wish

what country would you like to visit?: CHILEE

how many CDs do you own?: like 4 or 5 idk

how many DVDs do you own?: 2 or 3 but my brother has a lot 

how many tattoos do you have?: like 13

how many piercings do you have?: septum and bridge

how many things in the past do you regret?: all


shoes: idk what brand are but I have some green ones that I adore

radio station: 91.5 fm Ruca Hueney yesyes

drink: WHITE OR MANGO LOCO MONSTER also coffee and gancia

car: none

place: any place in nature 

song: a lot but now is ya no quiero from cazzu

movie: neverending story

moment: my first kiss with my ex tbh

colour: green

meal: omelette

in a person

eye colour: idc

hair colour: anyone but blonde

short or long hair: long, especially on men

height: taller than me if it's a boy, less if it's a girl

body type: wtf who cares

ethnicity: idem

piercings: idc

tattoos: idc but makes them more attractive to me

bedside manner

do you think you are attractive?: sometimes

are you attracted to someone who does not know it?: no

would you like to be someone's fantasy?: YES

hunter or hunted?: it depends 

cuddles in general?: YESYESYESPKEASE

right now

what is today's date?: may fourth

what time is it?: 16:56 (4:56 pm)

who are you thinking of?: nobody in special

what are you listening to?: luna de miel from virus

do you love someone?: yess

does someone love you?: damn i hope

is it raining?: no

how many spacehey friends do you have?: idk, 24? 30?

are you happy?: yep

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