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Category: Life

Another Year

The passage of time becomes more obvious every day…a line here, a wrinkle there…grays appearing constantly throughout the day where before there were none…energy tends to wane at the most inopportune moments…and I HATE IT.

I am not ready for this.

I am not okay with this.

Mirrors still show me a familiar, albeit chubbier (I’m working on it) visage, but photos show me someone I do not know - or like.

Mentally, I’m still just beginning my life, still trying to find my way in this world…physically I show ever increasing signs of wear & tear, & it makes me want to break down & cry.

This past weekend marked another year for me, but while I am looking forward to it I’m also deeply traumatized. I don’t know how I got here so suddenly, & I have no idea in what direction I should go. I can only be grateful for every day that I get to feel the sun on my face, long drives on summer nights, curling up with a beer & a book, & time spent with people who still care that I exist.

I’m “old lady rambling,” I know - & I apologize. But I had to get it off my chest - and now, I’d really like a glass of champagne.


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