This Star Wars day I am dedicating to a message.
This day is a testament to the pervasiveness of capitalism in our culture. Our specil days are all being consumed by capitalism. Every year it gets more and more severe. When was the last time you celebrated Christmas without spending loads of money on gifts? Did we forget the true message of these holidays? Did we forget that the true meaning of Christmas is having a good time with family and friends and getting closer together?
Star wars day is literally just celebrating a product. It is similar to having a day dedicated to Kafka's "The Metamorphosis". While yes it is a good book we should not just be handing out special days like candy, they need to have meaning. Every may 4th we just give Disney more advertising for free for no reason at all.
Disney does not deserve the free advertisement, not after all the things they have done to their employees.
I know this may come off as callous as people just want to have fun, And yes if you just want have fun then go ahead, but while your doing that just keep in mind that your giving a multibillion dollar corporation free advertisement for one of their largest intellectual properties.
This May 4th the force will not be with me, and that is ok.
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Wasn't May The Fourth a thing before Disney bought Star Wars? I always saw it as just fans making a pun to laugh about. Kinda like how people joke around March Tenth looks like Mario (Mar 10) Inside jokes that became popular over time.
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Why bother with that dumb day when cinco de mayo is just tomorrow!
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