Beast in my backyard.

Hello trusted beast experts of spacehey. I've come across a beast in my backyard, from what I've observed it stays around my patio and doesn't show itself often which is why I have not been able to identify and slay it.

I will list some characteristics so that someone may be able to share their input.







-wears suit

-appears at night

-no face

I know it's not much but this is all that I've noticed so far. Thanks for the help!

2 Kudos


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XxiMadzxX's profile picture

ermmm, what the scallop?? maybe call pest control?

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Don't fear little one, I'm safe now.

by Slayer of Beasts; ; Report


✯Drew✯'s profile picture

I swear im not trying to make fun of you. I just thought is was funny that you put "slim" and than "shady". Okay thats all, im leaving.

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I don't understand your joke.

by Slayer of Beasts; ; Report


by ✯Drew✯; ; Report

Stop bullying me. I know it's the internet but you're hurting my feelings. Beast hunters have feelings too.

by Slayer of Beasts; ; Report

I swear i wasnt trying to hurt you. I'm sorry if i did. I was just trying to make a stupid joke, I'll take it down if you want me too. :)

by ✯Drew✯; ; Report

caimeo 💿🌱🫧

caimeo 💿🌱🫧's profile picture

dont know how to help you personally, but theres a lot of mythos and interpretations for what your beasts goals might be! i recommend reading up on some of said mythos, some of them may be conflicting, but it seems like people have been doing research on beasts like these for years!

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Thanks, I'll look into it.

by Slayer of Beasts; ; Report

Ryan The Robloxian

Ryan The Robloxian's profile picture

Thank you for letting us know, when I am free I will try and help you by doing research.

So far I have not seen anything like this roaming around my residence but if i do see something with what you listed then I will be sure to let you know right away!

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Thank you Ryan, you have such a kind gentle soul.

by Slayer of Beasts; ; Report

That makes my heart warm, your kind words make me wanna hunt beasts!

by Ryan The Robloxian; ; Report


by Slayer of Beasts; ; Report


GhoulEnthusiast's profile picture

I've got this.

That sounds exactly like your typical slender-beast. Now I'm no expert on hunting beasts, but I'd recommend you create a net trap right above where it prowls. That way you can secure the beast, extract it's meat, and do what you please with it.

Please update me on further developments regarding this beast.

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Thanks for the advice, I've ordered a net trap from the deep web and am waiting with bated breath for it's arrival. I plan on extracting it's meats and furs and hopefully selling it and hanging it in my museum. I wish this slender beast you speak of doesn't scurry off into the sunset by the time the net trap arrives. I feel like a kid on christmas! Stay beasting!

by Slayer of Beasts; ; Report