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Category: Religion and Philosophy

Religion Is Confusing

I have absolutely no clue what religion I belong to. Recently, I've been thinking about getting into witchcraft, crystals, and belief in nature/the universe. But I also believe things about Greek Mythology. So, I've been thinking about putting together the things I believe about Greek Mythology and witchcraft together to form a new way of thinking (as well as involving old ideas from Confucianism and Buddhism). If anyone has any beliefs in Greek Mythology, witchcraft, Buddhism, or Confucianism, please share them. I'd love to hear from other people so I can really include things from all these belief systems.

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annie's profile picture

my knowledge is a little limited on this topic, but, from what i understand witchcraft is a practice and buddhism is a way of life. ik plenty of ppk who are not buddhist but still use a lot of buddhist ideologies/practices so it may be one of those types of things too yk?

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Megan's profile picture

Like they stated above, witchcraft is a practice. It is the act of using the natural forces to enact your own will on reality. Christian prayer is technically witchcraft, as they are using the power of thought and emotions to invoke change in their favor.

You do not need religion to have a develop your own spiritual path. After all, each path is unique to ourselves and ourselves alone.

I have an ancestral connection to the Greek and Roman gods, and though I do not worship them, I do venerate them and recognize their energies. Same with Jesus and the Buddah, they both represent qualities that I respect and try to emulate, but I do not worship them.

It sounds like you've taken an eclectic path as I have. There's a lot to be learned, and a whole lot more to unlearn. A word of advice: at the end of the day, you do not NEED the crystals and herbs (WANTING them is another beast entirely lol) because the magic that is within YOU, that only YOU can control and master, is more powerful than any tool you will ever have. The very cosmos is reflected in your cells, in your atoms. Tools can help, of course, but ultimately YOU are source. As within, as without.

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mitty's profile picture

hello, im by no means an expert, so take this with a grain of salt. to my knowledge, witchcraft is a practice, and can be practiced alongside any religion, the greek pantheon being fairly popular among those practicing. theres plenty of pagan and witch resources with places like tumblr and other online spheres, and i think they might also have some book pdfs.

best wishes on your journey!

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teeth milk

teeth milk's profile picture

I have a limited knowledge of those beliefs but I personally also believe in a sort of universal/natural force. Essentially, I believe our souls act similarly to matter and are constantly being changed and reused in a cycle of consciousness. I have posts going more into detail on this if you're interested.

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