Why are there so many people who use the accursed :3 on this godforsaken webbed site. I browse the recent blogs and every other post is somebody talking in the dreaded UWU language spamming emoticons like :3. Now don't get me wrong I am a big :) and :( enjoyer but not THAT THING.
Please SpaceHey, Tell me, why are there so many people spamming the damned :3 everywhere.
Another thing about it. Its somehow spread to seemingly normal people, like it used to be contained to just the furries which was fine but its now infecting the other people of this website. I am actually scared of the virus that is the :3.
Is there a vaccine? some way to stop it? PLEASE I DON'T WANT TO SUCCUMB TO IT.
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Back in my day :3 was used by weebs and uwu either wasn't real or was only used and seen by furries
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joshua black
im pretty sure this face has been used quite a lot on the internet for the past like 15 years
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I think itz the normalization of it thats the issue, it’s been real favored on tiktok. I’ll use it every one in a while to show mischievous actions and junk but overuse ruinz it >:1
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