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Category: Life

things eventually get better

i know i normally don't talk about stuff like this on my blogs, but i just feel like i need to talk about this.

back then when my emetophobia was super intense, i thought that every little thing would cause me to thr*w up. back then i was still a child, i think that around 7 years old or so. during that time, i remember i refused to do anything out of my comfort zone. like, literally anything. i'd lock myself on my room and spend the day watching tv or reading books (which i think was something that really contributed with the anixety i have nowadays), and i'd always eat the same things over and over again, the things i personally thought were safe and that weren't much different. talking about eating, during that period of my life i barely ate. i was like...extremely underweight. in fact, looking back at this, i think that i could've developed anorexia at some point...this phase of my life lasted around 5-6 years.

but nowadays, i've just...been feeling like i'm improving when it comes to that. even though i do have trauma of that and i'm horribly afraid of thr*wing up, i feel like i've been able to challenge myself to actually do things. i've been able to eat more, and eat different foods as well. i've been getting into seafood, something that back then i wouldn't eat even if i was paid to do so. i've been able to do different things, i've been able to actually...enjoy life! just today, i went down this massive zipline, and throughout the ride, i just kept reflecting back through this. it's honestly been making me feel...happy, with myself. it's great! my parents have noticed this as well and they're planning to go to universal later this year to see if i can try to go on a roller coaster or two. i just hope that i can keep challenging myself and do new things...

anyways...sorry for the barrage of text- here's a goofy ahh pooto, take good care of him!!!!

1 Kudos


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autobombatanqueresgate's profile picture

keep up with it!

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thank you!! ^^

by s4bt00nz_inactive; ; Report