149 questions (stolen from idk who) part 2
*have u ever...*
been so drunk that you cant remember?: no
cheated: no
been cheated on?: yes
been in love?: yes
been on TV?: yes (for like maybe 2 seconds)
stolen anything?: yes
been on stage?: Does school stages count?
passed out?: maybe
had a surgery?: no
broke the law intentionally?: no
had a friend pass away?: no
been lied?: yes
been dumped?: yes
*do you...*
do drugs?: no
get drunk?: no
dance?: alone
party?: sometimes
sing?: also sometimes
play an instrument?: no
get along with your parents?: no
think you are attractive?: no
swear?: tons
smoke?: no
get motion sickness?: no
wear contacts/glasses?: only colored contacts for cosplay
get good marks?: depends
watch cartoons?: sometimes
drink milk :3 ?: no
write poems/stories?: used to
take a particular medicine?: yes (Tolterodine)
go to psychologist?: yes
Have a pet?: …many…
are you allergic to something?: yes
play an online rpg?: yes (SAOIF)
get online on msn a lot?: no
google a lot?: no
have fights?: yes just not publicly
read magazines?: no
read comics?: sometimes
how many hours do you sleep?: depends
how frequently do you go to the hairdresser?: never unless absolutely necessary
get along with your teachers?: very few
What's your preferred genre of music?: alt rock
All-time favorite band/artist?: crystal castles
All-time favorite song?: Untrust Us by Crystal Castles
How many CDs or MP3s of your favorite band/artist do you have?: maybe 3
What's your favorite radio station?: i dont turn on the radio
rock?: yes
blues/jazz?: ok
classical?: ok
rap?: sometimes
pop?: yes
country?: no
emo/screamo?: yes
heavy metal?: yes
techno?: yes
reggae?: no?
r&b?: no
time you cried?: few days ago
movie you watched?: Divergent
person you talked on the phone?: my boyfriend
cigarette?: never
song played?: Faded by Alan Walker
thing you ate?: croutons
time you took a bubble bath?: a year ago
time you got drunk?: never
time you read a book?: last week
email you get?: literally just now
person you got in a fight?: my brother
time you hugged someone?: maybe last week
time you kissed someone?: i don't like touch so forever ago
time you met someone new?: today
time you went for a date?: 2 years ago
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