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 I wanna excercise, any starting tips? Also what to do post workout? Ill excercise for 4 hours and then what? Id like to know.😊

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just lift heavy and eat more food simple as

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It depends really, what if im not excercising for muscle then i do cardio, if i am excercising for muscles then its lifting, what does one do after workout though? Is what im asking

by Ploomə; ; Report

Cardio will likely mean jogging or swimming. After you've run/swam the distance you're doing, you'll want a 'cool down' lap. A bit of time walking/slowly swimming to allow the body to readjust.

I have no clue if this is right, but I'll do fluids before exercise, more fluids and eating after. Not some huge meal, but a bit of protein based food (meat, or better yet, beans or nuts). Avoid carbs, and try to go with leaner meat. If you've been sweating a lot, make sure to get a little salt with your fluid intake. Gatorade is best, but so is water with a small bag of salty treats. Pretzels or nuts.

Rest of your diet should be balanced, but with a bit less dairy and grains. Once you've hit your target, and are exercising just to maintain, you can cut back on the meat a bit and put a bit of carbs and dairy back in.

Have patience in all things!

by Cranky Old Witch; ; Report

Cranky Old Witch

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Some quick thoughts from someone who was never in shape and had to teach herself a few things about exercise:

Make sure you're doing stretches before any exercising.

First decide if you'd like to lose weight as the main goal or build muscle.
For weight loss: Cardio. Mostly cardio. For other exercises, faster reps are better for weight loss.
For muscle gain: Free weights. You're working more muscle groups than with machines. Reps should be slow.

Try to exercise roughly two days on and a day off. The body needs the rest to repair and build.

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Wait what this is what i needed.... whaaaaat. Thank you so much.

by Ploomə; ; Report

by Cranky Old Witch; ; Report