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.table-section:not(:last-child) .details-table tr:nth-child(2) td:first-child p::after{
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border: none !important;
Displaying 3 of 3 comments ( View all | Add Comment )
Nelo Wolf
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Not a problem
by Anfaeia; ; Report
Oklahoma Tomcat
Maybe if the font is larger or bolder? Is there a way I can fix it so that the font can be easier to read?
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Oklahoma Tomcat
I thank you so much. I love this profile layout. I now have to add you to my favorites list. There is only one problem with this profile layout. The purple font is hard to read in some areas. Other than that, I love the design.
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I'm so very glad you like it, I have been trying to figure out how to get the text larger in order to see it better. Im still trying to relearn all this coding I use to use when I was 17 and had a MySpace way back in the day. I'm getting back into it and figuring it out. As I go, I'm going to try to update all the layouts as I go along and post them to my blog. I'm so sorry that it's hard to see. I will try to do better! But thank you so much, I'm really happy and excited that you like it!
by Anfaeia; ; Report