Lenormand pt 1

Just a little outline for me to keep track

- I use a swiss deck so tend to lean towards a German system but also my own interpretations

- if interested, you can read using a regular playing card deck (scroll)

1. the rider - a message, news, change, meeting someone new or a visitor

2. the clover - good luck, a blessing, happiness

3. the ship - travel, trade, exploration, a journey

4. the house - home, family, domestic matters

5. the tree - health, growth, longevity, stability, roots

6. the clouds - confusion, lack of clarity, uncertainty

7. the snake - deception, complication, manipulation

8. the coffin - endings, illness, rotting, closure

9. the bouquet - a gift, amicability or positive social interactions, appreciation

10. the scythe - severing, danger or pain, separations

11. the whip - conflict, arguments, tension

12. the birds - socializing, gossip, communication

13. the child - innocence, new beginnings, simplicity, novice

14. the fox - cleverness, adaptability, deceit

15. the bear - authority, strength, protection

16. the stars - hope, inspiration, dreams

17. the stork - transformation, changes, opportunity, birth

18. the dog - loyalty, friendship, companion

19. the tower - authority or government, institutions, isolation

20. the garden - public spaces, community, the public eye

21. the mountain - obstacles, blockage, challenges

22. the crossroad - choices, decisions, options

23. the mice - loss, worries, eating away at

24. the heart - love, passion, emotions, relationships

25. the ring - commitment, partnership, contracts, agreements

26. the book - knowledge, secrets, education, training

27. the letter - communication (written), information

28. the man - a man, masculinity

29. the lady - a woman, femininity

(other genders and identities do exist, either card can act as a substitute which is not ideal but)

30. the lily - sexuality, sensuality, peace, maturity

31. the sun - victory, success, vitality, happiness

32. the moon - intuition, emotions, dreams, subconscious

33. the key - solutions, opportunities, unlocking success

34. the fish - money, abundance, wealth, stability

35. the anchor - stability, security, endurance, work

36. the cross - a burden, sacrifice, grief

if you use regular playing cards: 

- get rid of cards 2-5

hearts (roses) - emotions, love, relationships

- 6=star, 7=tree, 8=moon, 9=rider, 10=dog, J(U)=heart, Q(O)=stork, K=house, A=man

diamonds (bells) - finances, work, possessions, wealth

- 6=clover, 7=birds, 8=key, 9=coffin, 10=book, J=scythe, Q=crossroad, K=fish, A=sun

clubs (acorns) - challenges, setbacks, troubles, conflict

- 6=cross, 7=mice, 8=mountain, 9=fox, 10=bear, J=whip, Q=snake, K=clouds, A=ring

spades (shields) - knowledge, communication, messages, learning

- 6=tower, 7=letter, 8=garden, 9=anchor, 10=ship, J=child, Q=bouquet K=lily A=lady

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