I understand that I am frequency. I understand that to be human, to be alive, to BE, is to exist in cycles, turning and swirling forever unending in the vastness of possibility. I understand that in order to feel joy, experience love, know peace, is to first feel awful, experience grief, and know war. Like two sides of a coin, one cannot exist without the other. To define one is to define the other.
And so I oscillate. I live in the push and pull of cosmic forces beyond my comprehension. I am dancing to a song I am deaf to, on a dance floor I cannot see.
But still I dance.
Even when it hurts, when I am exhausted, and when the world is on fire and everyone around me has lost themselves to their own undulations; I will dance.
I will dance because I know that one day, in this body, there will be a time when I will unknowingly take my last step. And until then, I will dance this dance that only I can dance, for no one else and nothing else, other than to say I danced my dance until the very end.
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