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Category: Life

Journal Entry #40: 04/27/23


Aaaaaaaa...I have to go to school tomorrow...

So, I'm supposed to be studying, but I just feel like I'm always hit with fatigue. There doesn't feel like there's any space to breathe, to slow down. I think part of this is my fault though, I really need to get off social media so that I stop distorting time.

Yesterday was walking yearbook day (you wear a white shirt and get it signed). I got my shirt signed by a few people, including a few teachers. It felt kinda weird, feeling markers slide across my back. A strange sensation that I will likely never feel again lol

Speaking of, today was Senior Honors Day. Man, it was the most boring event I think I've ever been to. Obviously, I wasn't expecting anything mindblowing, but it felt like the same names were being read out for every award. Someone probably fell asleep during the whole thing lol

My parents came, and of course, they had many judgemental comments. They discussed how girls' dresses were too short, boys' hair too long, and guys with beards, jerseys, and other "inappropriate" attire for honors day. I understand having your own opinions or whatever, but sometimes I wish they would shut up. However, I'm glad they took the time to come see me.

A girl in my class got lots of scholarships, and she's going to the same school I am. As soon as I heard the scholarships be announced, I knew my mom was wondering why I wasn't able to get them. Can't this be a day of celebration, not comparison?

Shortly after the ceremony, one of my classmates bonked me on the head with his awards and told me with slight surprise that he didn't know that I had gotten so many awards. He's such a low-key bully. For whatever reason, since I let him sign my shirt yesterday, he asked me if he could sign my shoes. I didn't have a Sharpie. Also, what a weirdo.

Though things have felt like they're flying by while I stay still, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Tomorrow the second episode of Monkey Wrench releases on YouTube! I'm super excited to see what the next episode's about. Unlike Murder Drones, Monkey Wrench is much more episodic. Hopefully, I can enjoy my Friday night, since I'll be spending Saturday studying and doing chores.

Anyway, I need to cram and sleep.

Boa noite,

AstraGenesis ┈━═


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