P4in_is_c00l<3's profile picture

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ok so like im a girl and everything but i dont act like it and then my parents are like why dont you act like a girl and stuff like that like wtf does that mean like am i supposed to do go and be a little hoe like most the girls at my school or what ( no hate just saying ) and then when i do act like a girl theyre all like who is he like whos your bf and stuff or who are you tryna impress LIKE WTF I DO IT FOR YOUR DUMB ASS AND THEN WHEN I DO YOU WANNA MAKE IT LOOK LIKE I'M TRYNA IMPRESS SOMEONE LIKE WTF DO YOU WANT FROM ME BITCH 

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Juno⛥'s profile picture

You should just do what you like to do and be yourself. if they can't handle it then you should talk about it with them idk. that's just who you are and you should love yourself for being that. your parents are supposed to love you the way you are. If you need someone to talk/vent to I am here<3 just keep your head up yoi are amazing!!

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thx and if i do need to talk to someone one i'll text you <3

by P4in_is_c00l<3; ; Report