[12:03] FF: LooK. LIFe FucKIng sucKs someTImes, especIaLLY wITH Low boonbucKs To spend. EverY FucKIng daY IT FeeLs LIKe someone's around THe corner, wanTIng. HavIng THeIr mITTs ouT. EverY FucKIng daY anoTHer parT oF THe HIve sTarTs To crumbLe awaY. I can'T do THIs sHIT, man.
[12:04] FF: THere's onLY so mucH sHIT I can seLL To Keep THIs HIve and order AND Feed mY Lusus and broodbroTHer, so I'm reaLLY jusT.. STressed.
[12:05] FF: I s↑pose IT's Karma For wHaTeverTHeFucK I dId as a Young sKYLarK, buT CHrIsT on a goddamn CooKIng RacK I THInK IF anoTHer person LooKs sIdewaYs aT me I'm goIng To sTrIFe someone and grInd THem InTo dusT.
[12:06] FF: IT'd be nIce IF ANYTHING AROUND HERE PAID ANY FUCKING MONEY, buT nOOOOOOOOOO. I can bareLY cover FucKIng gas nowadaYs, LeT aLone bILLs.
[12:07] FF: MY apoLogIes IF THIs Is anYone's FIrsT vIewsIgHT To mY ranT board, buT I'm ouT oF peopLe To pesTer and cHumps To TroLL abouT THIs.
[12:07] FF: THanKs For readIng.
CFF ceased responding to memo.
Rovit:Stress about life issues. ==>
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