I absolutely hate music class.

I don't know how it works in others middle schools of other countries, but basically here, in France music class is obligatory for the whole 4 years of middle school.

And i absolutely hate it because

-It's useless (we don't even have this subject in our finals)

-It's a waste of time

-It's embarassing (singing in front of the whole and then have eyeryone laugh at you. great)

-if you want to learn music just go to a music school

-We don't even have tables in music class, it's only chairs and you have to write on your lap

-We don't even really learn anything. (i'll explain that)

Now since 7th grade, we have this new music teacher, and all we learned with him was just to analyze music. Yes, that's it, we also "learned" the history of music, but i wouldn't even call it learning because all we did was 1 hour on it and learn the dates of the different time of music.

And all we keep doing during music class is anayzing music and singing random songs alone in front of the whole class, yes that's what we do in every music class since 7th grade, so like 1 year.

It's as if in maths you only had one lesson and then at every math class you only do exercises based on that one lesson.

And our teacher is really strict, i remember once a student was talking to another student and he threaten to get them to be kicked out temporarily out of school (and he really did that to another student)

Like yes, i know that music teachers have to be a little stricter than the others since they don't really get respected (Our previous music teacher literally quitted her job) but you don't have to kick out a student because they TALKED.

And the worst is that he was boasting that he did that.

Because of everything he threaten us with, the class always end up being tense and it always end up being the most uncomfortable 1 hour of the day.

So yeah, i hate music class and how it's handled.

2 Kudos


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farewell everyone (cheddarcheese)

farewell everyone (chedda...'s profile picture

learn flutr iz boring

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we dont even learn flute or music notes or whatever.

by TheUserPerson; ; Report


DR00PY!!'s profile picture

i just hate classes in general just like ruben the understander

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