presentations :(

We've been doing a research report in English class for the past 2 months and its actually sooooo boring. I don't hate writing but having to follow such a specific format for everything and using scholarly articles is so blehhhh. After the report was done i thought it was finally over but now we have to make a presentation on the research topic and the findings that go along with it, then we actually have to present it with our groups this week. My group has to go on wednesday which is great because we still need some time to practice our script since one of our groupmates was absent for like the past 2 days. Im actually supposed to be working on the script rn but i can't focus so im just writing this instead. Im usually not that nervous during presentations i only get a little sweaty, so it shouldn't be that bad. Other than the presentation things have been going great. :D I only wrote this cz i couldn't focus XD. feel free to comment how u r doing !!! or dont 

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theres a gnomey in my homey!!!!!!!!!!

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by BEEFCAKE; ; Report

Like actually!!

by carl; ; Report