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Category: Music

A rant regarding "obscure" music

Only writing this because I'm tired of seeing it! Need to get my angst out, y'know?

*sigh* Anyhow...

What's with people consuming moderately popular music and thinking it obscure? Flaunting their mediocre tastes in everyone's faces as if it's impressive at all? As if they're the priest-caste of sound? NO, the Caretaker isn't obscure - their album literally went viral!!! That's the very anti of obscure!!!! And it was a pretty meh album at that, I love ambient and music with a concept to back it up, I love love love love looooove it, but... that album? Is meh. Even for tryhard ambient.

Or... Melanie Martinez. Back in the day I used to be a Crybaby too (not anymore...), but man her music ain't obscure at all. It's edgy, true, but not "obscure". It's like people have legitimately forgotten the definition of obscure. Do you like these musical pieces? Aye, that's cool - but why call them obscure? Is that a label that everything you listen to must have? Do you think listening to Halsey's Badlands and calling it obscure and underground is gonna add anything to it, to you?

Sigh, why can't you just be happy calling stuff for what it is. Mainstream isn't bad (Ke$ha my beloved), never got why that connotation exists. Is most popular pop really bad nowadays? Yeah, sure, but that doesn't make "mainstream" INHERENTLY bad. Just look at radio charts in the UK, Poland, Romania, Germany, wherever in like the 2000s. Olive's "You're Not Alone" is a gorgeous, gorgeous track - and it was MAINSTREAM AS HELL!!!! And don't get me started on Inna (my beloved x2).

It's just that most people's music tastes suck nowadays, and you can definitely thank the "no fun allowed" legislation of today for that, amongst other things (such as people being scared to be genuine with who they are, who they want to be, what they want to do with themselves, etc.). But if you just dare look beyond BBC Radio 1 and Spotify, you can find some real gems, real real real common gems.


Please, kids, be real about your likes. Don't use labels to add anything to what you like, who you are - why would you want to live such a life? If anything it's just sad to see.

Anyhow, I need to get into Lana Del Rey, or something. Or Bjork. See what that's about. Spent too much time scouring RYM for albums that literally have no ratings let alone even a singular genre label attached to them...

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