birthday realizations

So my birthday is on the last day of Taurus season, and I'm just putting it together that that could be part of the reason I feel off on my birthdays.

I always have a difficulty with endings, and to leave a place that feels like the cosmos are surrounding me with what is home feels like a sort of ending, even if it comes back every year.

It's almost like I'm grieving the comfort of the time as it's changing and so I feel so unsatisfied the day of. Or maybe birthdays are blown to such a big deal that nothing will ever feel quite right.

Whatever the cause, I think this year I'll try to embrace what's coming next instead of mourning what was lost. I love communicating, so perhaps I'll do something that will make my mercury in Gemini shine this birthday.

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Jon 🐰

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My sister Robyn is a Double Taurus, sun and moon both, and my other sis is a Taurus too.
As for the feelings about natal anniversaries, I never liked mine once I was no longer a kid. I'm glad you're trying to change your attitude, keep up the good work. :)

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thank you kindly, it's nice to know I'm not the only one!

by 𝓜𝓮𝓭𝓮𝓾𝔁𝓼𝓪; ; Report

My hurdle was Valentine's day. One of my divorces went through on Feb 14, for a long time I hated that day. But a good friend helped me get over myself XD

by Jon 🐰; ; Report

I can't imagine how hard that would've been. That sounds like a good friend indeed to be able to help you out from that though!

by 𝓜𝓮𝓭𝓮𝓾𝔁𝓼𝓪; ; Report

she's my shining example, used to run a bookstore, I mean talk about dream job! X)

by Jon 🐰; ; Report

My bf is a Taurus and he always feels a bit melancholy around his bday, i wonder if its a shared Taurus experience !

by 2mi_22; ; Report