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Category: Friends

Pen Pal ISO — Looking for Fellow Dreamers

This ISO is a copy-and-paste from my post on Reddit. I know there's not much activity on here, but I figured I'd give it a go anyway. Friends are found in unlikely places afterall.

I'm looking for someone who thinks a little more deeply about things, beyond dull tangibility and societal norm. I love casual conversations, discussing shared hobbies and life events, but I also want to comment on the stars, maybe write stories, and talk about gender the way one talks about poetry. I want to talk about the dream I had last night and about what certain things may mean. Beyond just hobbies, I want to share my love of creation, be it in grounded crochet, or in randomly making 'paint' out of some leaves I found, just to see what their colour would look like on paper. All this, but of course casual conversations too. I want to be able to flop from one mode to the other, smoothly, with someone who doesn't think it bizarre.

Some basics...

  • Sometimes I live in Canada, sometimes the USA. My address will change occasionally. It's complicated, I'll explain if we hit it off.
  • I am nonbinary, pansexual, and polyamorous, though married (my husband will likely be mentioned frequently). I would prefer to write to someone else who is queer, or to an ally with which I can discuss these things in more detail. The exploration of self expression fascinates me.
  • I am disabled, currently diagnosed with social anxiety disorder and obsessive compulsive disorder, but have more assessments to come. Also heavily suspected AuDHD. If my hands get sticky, I will cry. I am not shy in discussing these things so long as you are respectful.
  • As a sub-note to the above, I must say that my writing tone may also change frequently. I'm not entirely sure why it does. I don't know if that's just how I am and relates to my mood, or if it has to do with my suspected boarderline personality disorder, or whatever else. It's tough to control, and I apologise if it's confusing. I actually often sound a lot more light-hearted and bubbly than I do in this post. But I don't want to have to put on a tone that doesn't feel like 'me' in that moment; that's why I'm mentioning it.
  • My hobbies are vast, but the biggest ones are language learning (currently ASL and Japanese primarily), arts and crafts (painting, block printing, crochet, kandi and other beads, writing, journalling, and more), and reading. My crafts dominate most of my life, but I enjoy a great many other things, like yoga and cruising on my longboard in the park. Other things, you'll find out as we talk.
  • In common company, I simply refer to myself as pagan. This isn't untrue, and still best describes my spiritual practice, but I much more closely identify as omniest. I'm a very spiritual person. If you aren't spiritual in the slightest, please don't respond to this ISO.
  • You can expect my letters to vary greatly in how decorated they are. Sometimes I will go all out, but other times the paper may be blank aside from my writing itself, the words maybe in a pretty colour, maybe just black. It depends on my mental state. Inclusions may be just occasional washi samples or stickers or cutesy sticky notes, maybe even tea or little handmade oddities. I don't like feeling pressured to include things I may not have at the moment, and I prefer them being nice little surprises anyway. I don't like Q&As or playlists, to be honest. I have a bad memory, and will never have any clue what questions either of us have already asked, or what their answers might have been, unless they were discussed in the letter proper. I also don't listen to music much. I love it dearly, but noise bothers me unless I'm up for it. If there's a specific song you'd like to share, however, maybe because it's special to you or made you think of something, tell me about it in your letter, and then I'll listen to it readily. Frequency of letters may also vary. I might reply the moment I get your letter, or it may take me a few months, again depending on my mental state.
  • I would prefer to write to someone outside of North America, as this continent bores me a little and I want to hear about new places, but if we particularly click, I don't mind if you're a little closer to home.
  • If you are interested, I would prefer to start with email, before graduating to snail mail. I want to make sure you're not a creep, and that we get along alright. I'm going to be honest if I don't think we click, and I expect you to do the same. If I feel comfortable with you, I'll ask that we share specific photos, like the ones described in this sub's wiki's section on safety (found here).

I'm sorry for the terribly long post, but if you have read it all the way through, then thank you for your attention. To whoever this attracts, I'm pleased to meet you, and very much look forward to our correspondence. 💐

1 Kudos


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